Biological Explaination of OCD's


A-Levels (PSYB2 - Phobias/OCDs) Psychology Fichas sobre Biological Explaination of OCD's, creado por Adam O'Rourke el 02/06/2013.
Adam O'Rourke
Fichas por Adam O'Rourke, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Adam O'Rourke
Creado por Adam O'Rourke hace más de 11 años

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta Respuesta
Factors The Thalamus is associated with OCDs
McKeon and Murry Interviewed people who scored high on the Leyton Obsessional Inventory from in families. The findings show OCD might not be connected to families
Carey and Gottesman Reported a prevalence of up to 10% in 1st degree relatives
Lenane 30% of first degree relatives in the study also had OCD's
Hoaker and Schnurr Twin study, found a concordance rate of 50-60% Also found that when OCD's run in families they inherit the general nature of it but not the exact symptoms, shows there is an environmental effect
Dr. Dennis Murphy 6 out of 7 people over 2 families that had a gene mutation of a serotonin transporter had an OCD. Also that some sufferers of the most sever OCD's had a second mutation in the same gene
Zohar Some tricyclic drugs that inhibit the re-uptake of serotonin were beneficial for 60% of the OCD sufferers tested
Lydiard Drugs only provide partial alleviation and therefore not a cure
Rapport and Wise Suggests that OCD's result from dysfunction in the CNS, specifically the basal ganglia, the is supported by other disorders such as Huntingtons, Parkinsons and Touretts
Rapport Surgery to disconnect the basal ganglia from the frontal cortex brought relief to people with severs cases of OCD
Evaluation - Findings of effects of serotonin are inconsistent - Psychological therapies have been found to be effective - Aylward - Found no difference in the basal ganglia in OCD suffers and Non-OCD sufferers - No cause and effect link has been found - Head injuries and brain tumors have been associated with OCD's - Research into brain structures is still developing - Rapport - 20% of OCD suffers show nervous tics implying a link with the anatomy of the nervous system
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