USA (1929-2000)


(USA) History Fichas sobre USA (1929-2000), creado por nuhaheza el 04/06/2013.
Fichas por nuhaheza, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por nuhaheza hace más de 11 años

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta Respuesta
Black Tuesday Wall Street Crash (1929)
Laissez-Faire "Free Market" Freedom for the economy
Hooverviles Shanty town named after Hoover as he was blamed for the situation
Rugged indivudialism Freedom to succeed, one's responsibility
Relief Helping the unemployed and homeless
Recovery Rebuilding the economy from the Great Depression
Reform Legislations and laws created for a fairer society
Civilian Conservation Corps Helping unemployed men between the age of 18-25
Federal Emergency Relief Act $500m spent on food and shelter for the unemployed and homeless
Algriculuture Adaptation Authority Paying farmers to encourage them not to overly produce, giving the farmers profit
Tennessee Valley Authority Supporting Tennessee Valley from food shortage
Works Progress Administration Creating jobs for those who lives in the countryside; also provides roads, schools and airports
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Truman Doctrine, Marshall Plan, Cominform and Comecon
Alina A
Weimar Revision
Tom Mitchell
Germany 1918-39
Cam Burke
History- Medicine through time key figures
The Weimar Republic, 1919-1929
History- Religion and medicine
Hitler and the Nazi Party (1919-23)
Adam Collinge
History of Medicine: Ancient Ideas
James McConnell
GCSE History – Social Impact of the Nazi State in 1945
Ben C
Conferences of the Cold War
Alina A
Bay of Pigs Invasion : April 1961
Alina A