

A level (psychopathology) Psychology Fichas sobre Depression, creado por pearl tshimbalanga el 19/02/2018.
pearl tshimbalanga
Fichas por pearl tshimbalanga, actualizado hace más de 1 año
pearl tshimbalanga
Creado por pearl tshimbalanga hace casi 7 años

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta Respuesta
what is depression? a mental disorder characterised with low mood and energy levels.
what are the DSM-5 categories of depression? major depressive disorder persistent depressive disorder disruptive mood dysregulation disorder premenstraul dysphoric disorder
what are the behavioural characteristics of depression? activity levels decrease or increase disruption to sleep and eating aggression and self harm
what are the emotional characteristics? lowered mood anger lowered self esteem
the cognitive characteristics? poor concentration attending to the negative aspects of life absolutist thinking
what is absolutist thinking? sufferers tend to look at things as very black and white, they are either really good or bad.
who studied this whole section? rosenham (1973)
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