Western Civilization French Revolution Test 2/26


9th grade Western Civilization Fichas sobre Western Civilization French Revolution Test 2/26, creado por Brielle Ramundo el 20/02/2018.
Brielle Ramundo
Fichas por Brielle Ramundo, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Brielle Ramundo
Creado por Brielle Ramundo hace casi 7 años

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta Respuesta
Émigrés -emigrants that fled France during the Revolution time period -wanted to restore monarchy, old regime -encouraged Austria and Prussia to invade France in order to do so
Tennis Court Oath a pledge that the National Assembly took, saying that they would not leave their meeting space (indoor tennis court) until they created a new Constitution
Maximillian Robespierre leader of the Jacobins who performed executions on innocent French citizens
Napoleon Bonaparte -a leader in France that benefited the people -created Napoleonic Code -people adored him
Reign of Terror a time when the people lived in fear because Robespierre and the Jacobins performed daily executions on the citizens of France
Napoleonic Code a code created by Napoleon that preached equal rights, equality, education for children, right to vote/have a say in government, and fair property ownership
Congress of Vienna a meeting between European ambassadors who tried to balance the power struggles within countries and regain the peace in Europe
Battle of Waterloo -battle between Napoleon and British troops (Prussia, etc.) -Napoleon lost and was exiled
First Estate -ran churches and schools -kept birth/death records -nobles, priests -did not pay taxes -.5% of pop -10% of land
Second Estate -nobles, army officers, judges, church officials -little taxes -2% of pop -some had wealth, some had poverty -20% of land
Third Estate -300 reps in Estates General -city workers, laborers, townspeople, servants -heavy taxes -98% of pop -70% of land
Great Fear a time when rumors circulated about nobles hiring outlaws to attack peasants, causing panic throughout France
Jacobins a political organization that was involved in the government changes of France
Estates General a meeting of all head officers of each Estate
National Convention a new form of government that was formed to create a new Constitution for France
National Assembly -the assembly created by the Third Estate after they broke away from the Estates General -goal was to provide France with a constitution that would limit the king’s power and provides more rights to the people
Directory government formed from the Constitution of 1795 that failed in creating laws and stopping riots in France
Committee of the Public Safety committee that vowed to protect the county and its people and in order to do so, they executed people that were not in favor of the Revolution
Bastille jail where political prisoners were held
Storming of the Bastille when the people of France attacked the jail (Bastille) and demanded that the prisoners be set free (represented revolution in France/overthrowal of government
Constitution of 1791 -the new Constitution created by the National Assembly -balanced government, fairer rights, limited king's power
Declaration of Rights of Man document that provided the people of France with their basic rights (speech, press, religion)
Civil Constitution of the Clergy allowed French citizens to elect their own bishops and priests
Brunswick Manifesto vowed to burn down the city of France if they did not surrender to Austria and Prussia
Grand Army's Invasion of Russia Napoleon's 300,000 men in his army ventured to Russia, many died on the way, got there and the cities were burned, Russia surprised attacked, Napoleon won, nothing to conquer, left and went home
What were the differences in the maps of Europe before and after Napoleon's reign? -Napoleon conquered a lot more land and spread his empire -conquered France, but he controlled Spain and parts of Italy and Switzerland also
Long term effects of the Revolution introduction to democracy, common form of government today since many people favor it
Causes of the French Revolution 1. financial/economical problems 2. weak leader 3. social class representation 4. famine 5. enlightenment ideas
Which countries were involved in attempting to put down the revolution? Austria, Britain, Prussia, and Russia wanted to restore the Old Regime and protect King Louis XVI
What was the order of the new government in France? 1. Estates General 2. National Assembly 3. Legislative Assembly 4. National Convention (Committee of Public Safety) 5. Directory 6. Napoleon
Which countries were involved in defeating Napoleon? Russia, Britain, Austria, Netherlands
King Louis XVI king of France
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