Fundamentals of the Nervous System


Chapter 12
Erin Morgan
Fichas por Erin Morgan , actualizado hace más de 1 año
Erin Morgan
Creado por Erin Morgan hace casi 7 años

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta Respuesta
NERVOUS SYSTEM: master ________ and _____________ system? Control, communication
NERVOUS SYSTEM: 3 overlapping functions? 1. Sensory Input 2. Integration 3. Motor output
2 divisions of of the nervous system? 1. CNS 2. PNS
CNS: what does it include? _________ and _________ center? Where are most cell bodies found? - brain and spinal cord - integrating, command - in the CNS
PNS: where is it located? Where do nerves extend from? What types of nerves are included? What is ganglia? - located outside CNS - nerves extend from brain and spinal cord - cranial, spinal and peripheral nerves - GANGLIA= clusters of neuronal cell bodies (found outside cell)
See picture prior.
NERVOUS TISSUE: how are cell described? - densely packed and intertwined
NERVOUS TISSUE: 2 main cell types? Describe them? 1. neurons- transmit electrical signals (cells that conduct AP) 2. support cells- nonexcitable, surround and wrap neurons.
THE NEURON: what is it? What does it conduct and where? Action ________? - basic structural unit of the nervous system - conducts electrical impulses along the plasma membrane - potential
See prior photo.
THE NEURON: other characteristics. They have? Do not? What do fetal neurons lose? What type of metabolic rate do they have? What does that require? Neurons die after how many minutes? - have longevity (can live/function forever) - do not divide - fetal neurons lose ability to undergo mitosis - high metabolic rate - require LOTS of O2 and glucose - after 5 mins
STRUCTURAL CLASSIFICATION OF NEURONS: multipolar. How many processes? How many dendrites? How many axons? What types of neurons are the majority of these? - more than two processes - lots of dendrites - one axon - vast majority are neurons in CNS
See prior photo.
STRUCTURAL CLASSIFICATION OF NEURONS: bipolar. How many processes? Is it rare or not? Found in what senses? - posses two processes - rare - found in eye, ear, and nose (special sensory organs)
See prior photo.
STRUCTURAL CLASSIFICATION OF NEURONS: unipolar. How many processes? How do they start? What senses are unipolar? - possess one, short process - start as bipolar neurons - all general senses
See prior photo.
FUNCTIONAL CLASSES OF NEURONS: interneurons. Always found where? What does it mean to say they are "integrative"? What percentage of neurons fall in this category? What type of -polar are they? - CNS - integrative= process, store, retrieve, make decisions - 90% - multipolar
FUNCTIONAL CLASSES OF NEURONS: motor (efferent). Where do they end (terminate)? What -polar are they? - end on effector cells (either muscles or glands- skeletal, smooth, cardiac, and glands) - multipolar
SUPPORTING CELLS: how many types? how many in CNS and PNS? What does it provide? What does it cover? - 6 types - 4 in CNS (called neuroglia) - 2 in PNS (called neuroglia) - provide supportive function for neurons - cover nonsynaptic regions of neurons
NEUROGLIA: nicknames (2)? Have _________ ____________ and a central _________ _________? What percentage of the mass of the brain? - a.k.a "glia" or "glial cells" - branching processes, cell body - 50%
SUPPORTING CELLS: NEUROGLIA IN CNS. Astrocytes. How abundant are they? What do they help with? Responsible for what? - MOST abundant - help with glutamate uptake for synapses and ion control - responsible for blood brain barriers
See prior pic.
SUPPORTING CELLS: NEUROGLIA IN CNS. Microglia. How abundant? What does it engulf? Removes? Cell are found? Acts as? - LEAST - engulfs invading microorganisms - remove dead neurons - cells of immune system - acts as immune system
See prior pic.
SUPPORTING CELLS: NEUROGLIA IN CNS. Ependymal. Circulate what? Makes what from blood plasma? What does it line? - circulate CSF - makes CSF - lines CNS central cavity
See prior pic.
SUPPORTING CELLS: NEUROGLIA IN CNS. Oligodendrocytes. Wrap around what? Produce what? How many cells to how many axons? - wrap around axons in CNS - produce myelin sheath - one cell to many axon
See prior pic.
SUPPORTING CELLS: NEUROGLIA IN PNS. Satellite Cells. Surround what? Thought to give cells bodies what? Thought to eliminate what? Keep cell bodies from what? - surround cell bodies in ganglia - thought to give cell bodies nutrition - thought to eliminate waste - thought to keep cell bodies from fusing into one
SUPPORTING CELLS: NEUROGLIA IN PNS. Schwann Cells. Surround what? Form what around axons of PNS. How many axons? How many schwann cells? - surround axon in the PNS - form myelin sheath around axons of the PNS - one axon - many schwann cells
See prior pic.
MYELIN SHEATHS: what types of structures? Composed of? Surround what? Forming what? Prevents action potential from? - segmented structures - composed of the lipoprotein myelin - surround thicker axons - form an insulating layer - prevents ap from stopping
MYELIN SHEATH: functions. Prevents leakage of? Increases the speed of? - of electrical current - impulse conduction
See prior pic.
NERVES OF SPINAL CORD: ________-________ organs in the PNS? How many axons? What are they wrapped in? Surrounded by what type of cells? - cable-like - numerous axons - wrapped in connective tissue - surrounded by schwann cells
See prior pic.
REFLEX ARCS: _______ ________ of neurons? Explain reflexes? Can be what or what? - simple chains - rapid, autonomic motor responses - can be visceral (affects internal organs) or somatic (affects skeletal muscle)
See prior pic.
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