Key Individuals Timeline Cards


GCSE Surgery Fichas sobre Key Individuals Timeline Cards, creado por Tom Lea el 06/06/2013.
Tom Lea
Fichas por Tom Lea, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Tom Lea
Creado por Tom Lea hace casi 12 años

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta Respuesta
In 1848 John Snow... Invented the chloroform inhaler that helped patients get an accurate dose and prevented deaths from overdose.
In 1870 John Simpson... died! Over 30,000 people lined the streets to pay their respects. A plaque in Westminster Abbey is dedicated to him.
In 1799 Humphrey Davy... accidentally dicovered that inhaling nitrous oxide made you less aware of pain.
In 1844 Horace Wells... used nitrous oxide when extracting teeth.
In 1846 Iganz Semmelweis... found that making medical students wash their hands in a chlorinated solution lowered the death rate in the maternity ward where he worked.
In 1878 Robert Koch... identified the bacterium that causes blood poisoning. This helped to convince people that Lister was right and that microbes do cause infection.
During the first world war Harold Gillies... developed reconstructive plastic surgery. He set up a unit at Aldershot this quickly proved inadequate and a dedicated unit was established in Sidcup in 1917
In 1869 Joseph Lister... introduced catgut ligatures as part of his antiseptic techniques. They absorbed carbolic acid unlike the silk liigatures that had been used previously.
In 1883 Joseph Lister... was made a baronet and in 1897 he was made a Baron. A funeral service was held for him in Westminster Abbey and a fund was set up to organise lectures and statues in his honour.
In 1895 Wilhelm Roentgen... discovered x-rays. The use of x-rays spread very quickly as he didn't take out a patent on his invention. X-rays were really important during WWI to find bullets and shrapnel. Mobile x-ray units were set up on the Western Front.
In 1853 Alexander Wood... invented the hypodermic needle. This made it possible to give a very accurate dose of a drug or withdrawal of blood.
In 1846 Morton... used ether to anaesthetise a patient in the USA during an operation to remove a tumour
In 1846 Robert Liston... used ether during an amputation in Britain
In 1847 James Simpson... used chloroform for the first time
In 1848 Hannah Greener... died after being given chloroform for an operation to remove her toenail.
In 1853 Queen Victoria... used chloroform during the birth of her 8th child.
In 1861 Louis Pasteur... Published his Germ Theory
In 1867 Lister... Used Carobolic acid to help control infection in surgery.
In 1877 Lister... became Professor of Surgery at King's College Hospital, London, and publicised his ideas about antiseptics.
In 1878 Robert Koch... developed the steam steriliser. It was used to sterilise surgical equipment.
In 1901 Karl Landsteiner... identified blood groups. This was the key step in being able to carry out successful transfusions.
In 1905... Novocaine was used as an anaesthetic
In 1916 Rous and Turner... developed the way blood was stored - they added a citrate glucose solution. This meant it could be kept for longer.
In 1915 Richard Lewisohn... found that adding sodium citrate stopped blood from clotting. This meant that you no longer needed on the spot donors for transfusions. However the blood deteriorated if it was not used soon afterwards
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