Snakes and ladders - easier


Fichas sobre Snakes and ladders - easier , creado por jl cg el 05/03/2018.
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Fichas por jl cg, actualizado hace más de 1 año
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Creado por jl cg hace más de 6 años

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta Respuesta
How do you get purple colour? With red and blue colours
What planet is similar to Earth? Mars
What is the main vitamin in an orange fruit? C
How do plants get their energy? From the sun
What does salt do to ice? Melts it.
What do you call a scientist that studies life? Biologist
How many body segments do insects have? 3
How long does it take the Earth to rotate once? 1 day
What type of air do plants breathe? Carbon dioxide
What kind of hair do oceans have? Wavy! :-)
How much is 34+66? 100
What do you do if something doesn't work? Repair it (buy a new one).
Who was John Amos Comenius? A teacher who was born in the Czech republic. We call him a teacher of nations.
What is Math? A science.
What is Physics about? It is a science that explores the world/space.
Who was the first man on the Moon? Neil Armstrong
How do you make bronze? Put tin and copper together.
Why is Science the most difficult school subject? It is not/ We don't know/ ...
Which animal is the fastest? A cheetah.
Which bone it the longest in human body? Femur
Who invented a word “robot”? A Czech writer Josef Capek (his brother Karel Capek needed a word/name for a machine (in his new novel) that looked like a human but it was artificial so Josef invented the word).
True or false? Dogs are herbivores. False :-)/ they are omnivores
True or false? Iron is attracted by magnets. True
The molten rock that comes from a volcano after it has erupted is known as what? Lava
The highest mountain on earth is? Mount Everest
What is the chemical symbol for the element oxygen? O
The fear of what animal is known as ‘arachnophobia’? Spiders
What is the name of the part of the human skeleton which protects our brain? Scull
Nimbus, cumulus and stratus are types of what? Clouds
Can the average human survive without water for a few days or a few weeks? A few days
Earth is located in which galaxy? Milky Way
Is the Sun a planet? No, it is a star.
Has the Moon got its own light? No, it reflects the light from the Sun.
Where is the Parthenon? Athens, Acropolis
Who was Archimedes? A Greek mathematician, physicist, engineer, inventor, astronomer.
What is the basic language of computers based on? Numbers 0,1
How did the Ancient Greeks called the Sun? Helios
Can we live without the Sun? No.
How many planets does our solar system have? 8
What is Uranus? What is its connection to the Greek Mythology? It is a planet, the Greek God of sky.
How many colours has a rainbow got? 7
What is the bigger number, a googol or a billion? Googol
How many hours are in one week? 168
Which is the most abundant gas in the earth's atmosphere? Nitrogen
What is sodium chloride? We eat it everyday... Table salt
Which country in the world has maximum number of robots working? Japan
What is the human body’s biggest organ? The skin
Are butterflies insects? Yes, they are.
What is the next number in the Fibonacci sequence: 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, ? 55
In electricity, voltage is measured in volts while current is measured in …….? Amperes (amps)
A large box contains 5 small boxes and each small box contains 20 chocolate bars. How many chocolate bars are in the large box? 100
Which Number is Not in Roman Numbers? Zero.
What is the name of "baby horse"? Colt (foal)
Which is the first mosque built on Earth? Cuba Mosque
Which is the deepest ocean in the world? The Pacific
Which national team won the 2006 World Cup? Italy
In Istanbul one, in Ankara two, in İzmir none....What is this? Letter "A"
Which animal has three hearts ? Octopus
Which country has the largest cave in the world? USA
Which is the most widely-spread recyclable source of energy? Sun
What is the name of İzmir regional falk dance? ZEYBEK FOLK DANS
Who is the founder of our republic our great leader? Ataturk
Which food is the most popular on in Turkey? DONER KEBAB
The region that is the country where the Virgin Mary lived? EPHESUS AEGEAN REGION
What is the name of the national holiday we celebrate with the children of the world? 23rd APRIL CHİLDREN'S DAY
Which region is İzmir in? AEGEAN REGİON
Which continent is Turkey in? ASIA AND EUROPE
What is the largest number that can be written with 4 pieces of 2? 2222
How many apples will a child remain,7 of them except two of them? Remains two apples
What is the last organ of the digestive system? LARGE INTESTINE
Who is the scientist achieved to split the nucleus of an atom? ALBERT EINSTEIN
Which animal is the mascot of Scratch and default sprite when opening a new Scratch project? A CAT
What are the colours combined in the e-twinnig logo? BLUE AND YELLOW
How many matematical operations are there? Four
What is the capital city of Turkey? Ankara
How many percent of the Earth consist of water? 70%
What is the colour of the flag that is programming feature which will start all scripts in a project? Green
What is the neutral element in multiplication? 1
What is the boiling point of the water? 100 degrees of Celsius
13. A straight line has a start but no ending. Is it true? NO.
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