Face and palate development


Fichas sobre Face and palate development , creado por Tara McLaughlin el 09/03/2018.
Tara McLaughlin
Fichas por Tara McLaughlin, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Tara McLaughlin
Creado por Tara McLaughlin hace más de 6 años

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta Respuesta
What type of lining can be found on the pharyngeal arch? Ectoderm lining
What type of lining can be found on the pharyngeal pouches? Endoderm lining
What cranial nerve is associated with pharyngeal arch one? Trigeminal nerve
What cranial nerve is associated with pharyngeal arch two? Facial nerve
What cranial nerve is associated with pharyngeal arch three? Glossopharyngeal nerve
What cranial nerve is associated with pharyngeal arch four-six? Vagus nerve
Which pharyngeal arch is associated with forming the maxillary and mandibular processes? pharyngeal arch one
What does the first pharyngeal pouch give rise to? Auditory tube and tympanic cavity
What does the second pharyngeal pouch give rise to? Tonsillar fossa and palatine tonsils
What does the third pharyngeal pouch give rise to? Thymus and inferior parathyroid glands
What does the fourth pharyngeal pouch give rise to? Superior parathyroid gland and ultimobranchial body
Which pharyngeal cleft gives rise to the external auditory meatus? First cleft
What does the lateral lingual swellings and the medial swelling give rise to? Anterior two-thirds of the tongue
What is the swelling called that merges with swellings from the third and fourth pharyngeal arches to form the posterior third of the tongue? Copula
How many facial prominences are there? five (two maxillary, two mandibular and one frontonasal)
Invagination of the nasal pit will eventually give what structure? Nasal cavity
Which swellings will eventually form the bridge and septum of the nose? Medial nasal swellings
The upper lip is formed from which two structures? Maxillary prominences and the medial nasal swellings
What will the lateral nasal swellings form? Alae of the nose
What swellings form the intermaxillary segment? Medial nasal swellings
What are the three components that the intermaxillary segments form? Labial, upper jaw and palatal component
Which structure, derived from the intermaxillary segment, carries the upper four incisors? Upper jaw component
What are the outgrowths from the maxillary prominences that give rise to the secondary palate? Palatine shelves
What week to the palatine shelves start to grow inferiorly? Week six
What is hypothesised to be the reason the palatine shelves rotate? Synthesis and hydration of hyaluronic acid within the extracellular matrix of the palatine shelves
What landmark distinguishes the primary palate from the secondary palate? Incisive foramen
What prominences lowers to give more room in the oral cavity allowing the palatine shelves to rotate? Mandibular prominences
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