Anatomy of the palate - part one


Fichas sobre Anatomy of the palate - part one, creado por Tara McLaughlin el 09/03/2018.
Tara McLaughlin
Fichas por Tara McLaughlin, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Tara McLaughlin
Creado por Tara McLaughlin hace casi 7 años

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta Respuesta
What are the main bony components of the hard palate? Palatine processes of the maxillae and the palatine bones
What is the structure called that houses the upper teeth? Alveolar arch
What are the three foramina called on the hard palate? Incisive fossa, greater and lesser palatine foramina
Which nerve runs through the incisive fossa? Nasopalatine nerve
What are the transverse folds called on the inferior surface of the hard palate? Palatine rugae
What is the median longitudinal ridge called that forms on the hard palate Palatine raphe
What structure overlies the incisive fossa on the hard palate? Incisive papilla
What structure can be found hanging on the posterior free margin of the soft palate? Uvula
What is the palatine aponeurosis an expansion of? Tensor veli palatini tendons
Which structures form the majority of the posterior part of the soft palate? Palatine muscles
What are the structures the arrows are pointing to?
What are the attachments, innervation and action of the tensor veli palatini muscle? Attachements = cartilage of pharyngotympanic tube, medial pterygoid plate and spine of sphenoid bone to palatine aponeurosis Innervation = nerve to medial pterygoid (CNV) Action = Opens pharyngotympanic tube during swallowing and yawning & tenses soft palate to allow other muscles to function more effectively
What are the attachments, innervation and action of the levator veli palatini muscle? Attachments = cartilage of pharyngotympanic tube and petrous part of temporal bone to palatine aponeurosis Innervation - pharyngeal branch (CNX) Action = elevates soft palate during yawning and swallowing, closing pharyngeal isthmus
What are the attachments, innervation and action of the palatoglossus muscle? Attachments = palatine aponeurosis to side of tongue Innervation = pharyngeal branch (CNX) Action = depresses soft palate and elevates posterior part of tongue assisting in closing the oropharyngeal isthmus
What are the attachments, innervation and action of the palatopharyngeus muscle? Attachments = palatine aponeurosis and hard palate Innervation = pharyngeal branch (CNX) Action = depresses soft palate assisting in closing the oropharyngeal isthmus
What are the attachments, innervation and action of the musculus uvulae muscle? Attachment = palatine aponeurosis and posterior nasal spine Innervation = pharyngeal branch (CNX) Action = elevates and retracts uvula this assists in closing the pharyngeal isthmus
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