Christianity & God


GCSE Philosphy Fichas sobre Christianity & God, creado por missalicelinsell el 14/06/2013.
Fichas por missalicelinsell, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por missalicelinsell hace más de 11 años

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta Respuesta
What is a description of the Christian faith? monotheists
God is holy. What does holy mean? special, seperate and different
Who is the same God? the God of the Jews found in the Jewish Scriptures (eg, the Torah) and the God of the Christian Old Testament
What is the Trinity? the three ways of being God - God the Father, God the son and God the Holy Spirit
What is incarnation? The idea that God chose to be born into human earth, son to Mary, named Jesus.
What was Jesus' purpose? To teach people God's will for them and show them what life would be like for them in the Kingdom of God
What does the Kingdom of God represent? an innner change of heart & a symbol of peace on earth
Why is the cross an important symbol for Christians Jesus died on the cross to show his love for humanity, all people were forgiven of their sins
What does Christianity teach about death for Jesus? Death was not the end for Jesus
What is Ressurection? When Jesus rose on the third day after death
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