AGEE 644 Class 10- Regression


- AGEE 644 Fichas sobre AGEE 644 Class 10- Regression, creado por Amber Hines el 20/04/2018.
Amber Hines
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Amber Hines
Creado por Amber Hines hace casi 7 años

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta Respuesta
What are the key words to determine if the statistic is linear regression? Predict & Explain
In regression how many dependent variables exist? 1
True or False: Regression involves multiple independent variables? True (predictors)
In regression what scale must both independent and dependent variables need to be? Interval/Ratio
With regression do you want to show a relationship between the variables? No-show that one can predict the other but be careful to not show a casual relationship
What is the question researchers are hoping to answer with multiple regression? What is the best predictor of.......?
Who first used the term linear regression? Pearson (Pearson's R)
What is the null hypothesis in regression? R2 = 0
True or False: It is important to always look at bivariate scatterplot of the variables of interest. True
Regression is an extension of__________ Correlation (compared to a Pearson's correlation-which does not distinguish b/t dependent and independent)
Multiple regression analysis allows one to see: *how much the three predictor variables as a group are related *The strength of the relationship b/t each predictor variable *The relative strenght of each predictor variable *If interaction effects exxist b/t predictor variables
In order to use dichotomous predictor variables you must use______ dummy coding: Male -Yes=1 -No=2 Female -Yes=1 -No=2 *Each separate variable mush have a yes/no
What is the name of a procedure that allows for dichotomous dependent variables? Logit Regression
What are the benefits of conducting regression analysis rather than a correlation analysis? *Regression yields more information *Regression allows us to think about the variables in a more intuitive way (Correlation gives us a single number (R value) while regression gives a formula for calculating a predicted value of one variable when we know the actual value of the second variable)
In the regression formula Y is _______ Predicted value of the Y variable
In the regression formula b=__________ regression coefficient or the slope
What is the intercept (A) in the regression formula? The point where the regression line intercepts the Y axis.
What is the value of a perfect correlation? 1.0 (data points on the scatter plot would be perfectly aligned)
What are three methods of entry in SPSS for multiple regression analysis? 1) Simultaneous (Enter) 2) Hierarchical 3) Step-Wise
The R value tells you_________ Correlation b/t the observed value of Y and the predicted value of Y
In the analysis what provides the percentage of variance explained? R2 value
What do you look at to determine significance? ANOVA (P value)
If you wanted to standardize your variables what would you use? Z score
True or False: Each regression coefficient shows the strength of the relationship b/t the predictor variable and the outcome variable while controlling for the other predictor variable. Ture
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