Plant Cytoskeleton and Growth


Ecological Concepts and Plant Sciences Fichas sobre Plant Cytoskeleton and Growth , creado por Emma Lloyd el 24/04/2018.
Emma Lloyd
Fichas por Emma Lloyd, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Emma Lloyd
Creado por Emma Lloyd hace más de 6 años

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta Respuesta
What components are there to the cytoskeleton? Microtubules, actin filaments and intermediate filaments
Where are microtubules arranged in growing cells? They are arranged in hoops below the plasma membrane
How do microtubules help cellulose synthases? The synthases may run along tracks made by microtubules. Microtubule motors may propel the cellulose synthases along.
What helps cellulose work under salt stress? CC proteins which help reassemble microtubules and bind to cellulose synthase
How are microtubules involved in phototropisms? On the side shaded from the light, the microtubules are arranged horizontal to allow maximum upward growth. On the light side, the microtubules are vertical so they grow shorter than the shaded side
What is the phragmoplast? A structure that forms in late cytokinieses that serves as scaffolding for a cell plate assembly to form a new cell wall separating two daughter cells
Summary? -Microtubules govern the direction of cell expansion -Microtubule orientation is regulated by environmental and developmental signals -Microtubules and actin control plant cytokineses and cell division -Actin is the main driver of growth in tips
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