Creado por chelsea silvers
hace casi 7 años
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Scapular Elevation (Against Gravity) | Sitting with arms at sides. "Lift your shoulders toward your ears like you are shrugging. Do not let me push down." |
Scapular Elevation (Gravity Eliminated) | Prone with arms at side, therapist supporting under shoulder. "Lift your shoulder toward your ear." Upper trap palpated on shoulder at curve of neck. |
Scapular Depression (Always gravity eliminated) | Prone w/ arms at sides. "Reach hand down toward your feet." Cup inferior angle of scap., push up toward scap. elevation. |
Scapular Adduction (Against Gravity for Middle Trapezius) | Prone, shoulder abducted to 90, elbow flexed to 90. "Raise elbow toward ceiling. Do not me push it down." Resistance laterally at vertebral border of scapula, or if pain free push down at distal humerus. |
Scapular Adduction (Against Gravity for Rhomboids) | Prone w/ shoulder internally rotated & back of hand resting on low back. "Lift your hand off your back. Do not let me push it down." Downward resistance against distal humerus. If pain: push against vertebral border of scapula. |
Scapular Adduction (Gravity Eliminated for Middle Trap and Rhomboids) | Sit with humerus abducted to 90 and supported. "Try to move your arm backward." If scapula moves toward spine: 2/5 If no movement: palpate scapular adductors. |
Scapular Abduction (Against Gravity Position) | Supine w/ humerus flexed to 90. "Reach arm toward ceiling." Push against distal humerus. |
Scapular Abduction (Gravity Eliminated) | Sit with humerus flexed to 90 and supported. "Try to reach your arm forward." Palpate serratus anterior on lateral ribs. |
Shoulder Flexion (Against Gravity) | Sitting with arm down at side in midposition. Stabilize over clavicle. "Lift your arm in front of you to shoulder height. Do not let me push down." Push down at distal humerus. |
Shoulder Flexion (Gravity Eliminated) | Lying on side with arm along side of body in midposition. Support arm under elbow. "Try to move arm so your hand is at shoulder level." Palpate ant. deltoid ant. to glenohumeral joint. |
Shoulder Extension (Against Gravity) | Sit with arm by side and humerus internally rotated. "Move your arm staright back as far as it will go. Keep your palm facing the back wall." Push forward against distal humerus. |
Shoulder Extension (Gravity Eliminated) | Lying on side w/ arm along side of body & internally rotated. Support elbow. "Try to move your arm backward" |
Shoulder Abduction (Against-Gravity) | Sitting w/ arm down at side in midposition. "Raise your arm out to the side to shoulder level. Do not let me push it down." Push distal humerus down toward body. |
Shoulder Abduction (Gravity Eliminated) | Supine w/ arm supported at side in midposition. "Try to move your arm out to the side." Palpate middle deltoid, below acromion. |
Shoulder Adduction (Always Gravity Eliminated) | Supine w/ humerus abducted to 90 and forearm in midposition. "Bring your arm down to your side, do not let me pull it away." Palpate pec major. |
Shoulder Horizontal Abduction (Against Gravity) | Prone w/ arm over edge of mat. Shoulder abducted to 90, elbow flexed to 90. Pressure over contralateral scapula. "Raise your elbow toward the ceiling" Push arm down toward horizontal adduction. |
Shoulder Horizontal Abduction (Gravity Eliminated) | Sitting in chair with humerus supported in 90 flexion and elbow straight. "Try to move your arm out to the side" |
Shoulder Horizontal Adduction (Against Gravity) | Supine w/ humerus abducted to 90 in neutral rotation and elbow extended. "Move your arm in front of you and across your chest." Pull arm out at distal humerus toward horizontal abduction. |
Shoulder Horizontal Adduction (Gravity Eliminated) | Sitting in chair w/ arm abducted to 90. "Try to bring arm across your chest" Palpate pec major. |
Shoulder External Rotation (Against Gravity) | Prone w/ humerus abducted to 90. Elbow flexed to 90, hanging over edge of table. "Lift the back of your hand toward the ceiling." Push distal end of forearm toward floor. Support elbow. |
Shoulder External Rotation (Gravity Eliminated) | Prone w/ entire arm hanging over edge of mat. Arm internally rotated. "Try to turn palm outward." Palpate teres minor. |
Shoulder External Rotation (Alternative Gravity Eliminated) | Sitting in chair w/ humerus adducted to side and elbow flexed to 90. "Try to move back of your hand out to the side." |
Shoulder Internal Rotation (Against Gravity) | Prone w/ humerus abducted to 90. Elbow flexed to 90, hangs over edge of mat. "Lift the palm of your hand toward the ceiling." Push volar surface of distal forearm toward floor. |
Shoulder Internal Rotation (Gravity Eliminated) | Prone w/ entire arm hanging over edge of mat. Arm externally rotated. "Try to turn your palm inward." Palpate teres major, lat, pec minor, ant. deltoid. |
Shoulder Internal Rotation (Alternative Gravity Eliminated Position) | Sit in chair w/ humerus adducted to side & elbow flexed to 90. "Try to move palm of your hand in toward your stomach." |
Elbow Flexion (Against Gravity) | Sit in chair w/ arm at side. Forearm can be in supination (biceps brachii), pronation (brachilalis) or midposition (brachioradialis). While pt. is in each of 3 positions "Bend your elbow to touch your shoulder. Do not let me pull it back down." |
Elbow Flexion (Gravity Eliminated) | Sitting w/ arm supported in 90 of abduction and elbow extension. Forearm in supination (biceps brachii), pronation (brachilalis) or midposition (brachioradialis). "Try to move your hand toward your shoulder." |
Elbow Extension (Against Gravity) | Prone w/ humerus abducted to 90. Elbow flexed, forearm hanging over table. "Straighten your arm, do not let me push it back down." Resist at the elbow at 10-15 less than full extension so elbow does not lock into position. Push dorsal forearm toward flexion. |
Elbow Extension (Gravity Eliminated) | Sitting, humerus supported in 90 abduction. Elbow fully flexed. "Try to straighten your elbow." |
Pronation (Against Gravity) | Sitting w/ humerus adducted, elbow flexed to 90, forearm supinated. "Turn your palm to the floor and do not let me turn it back over." Apply resistance in the direction of supination. |
Pronation (Gravity Eliminated) | Sitting w/ humerus flexed to 90. Elbow flexed to 90, forearm supinated. "Try to turn your palm away from your face." |
Supination (Against Gravity) | Sitting, humerus adducted, elbow flexed to 90, forearm pronated. "Turn your palm up toward the ceiling, and do not let me turn it back over." |
Supination (Gravity Eliminated) | Sitting w/ humerus flexed to 90. Elbow flexed to 90, forearm pronated. "Try to turn your palm toward your face." |
Wrist Extension (Against Gravity) | Forearm supported on table in pronation. "Lift your wrist as far as you can, do not let me push it down." Push into flexion on radial, middle, and ulnar side. |
Wrist Extension (Gravity Eliminated) | Forearm supported on table in midposition w/ wrist in slight flexion. "Try to bend your wrist backward." |
Wrist Flexion (Against Gravity) | Forearm supinated, wrist extended. Back of hand raised off table, wrist in slight extension. "Bend your wrist all the way forward, do not let me push it back." |
Wrist Flexion (Gravity Eliminated) | Forearm in midposition, wrist extended. "Try to bend you wrist forward." |
Tip Pinch | Pinch between tips of thumb and index finger. "Ready? Pinch as hard as you can." Record average of 3 trials. |
Lateral Pinch | Pinch meter between end of pad of thumb and lateral surface of index finger. Pinch guage held horizontally. "Ready? Pinch as hard as you can." Record average of 3 trials. |
Palmar Pinch: Three-Jaw Chuck | Pinch the meter between pad of thumb and pads of index and middle fingers. "Ready? Pinch as hard as you can." Record average of 3 trials. |
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