Surgery Key individuals


History Fichas sobre Surgery Key individuals, creado por xxgeorgiexx57 el 19/06/2013.
Fichas por xxgeorgiexx57, actualizado hace más de 1 año Más Menos
Michael Sessions
Creado por Michael Sessions hace más de 11 años
Tom Lea
Copiado por Tom Lea hace más de 11 años
Copiado por xxgeorgiexx57 hace más de 11 años
Copiado por xxgeorgiexx57 hace más de 11 años
Copiado por xxgeorgiexx57 hace más de 11 años
Copiado por xxgeorgiexx57 hace más de 11 años

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta Respuesta
1915 - Discoverd adding sodium citrate to blood stopped it from clotting - this meant that donors did not have to present during a transfusion. However, blood cells would begin to deteriorate if the blood was not used soon after.
Richard Weil Found that blood that had had sodium citrate added to it could be stored in refrigerated conditions making it last longer before it deteriorated.
1916 - found that adding a citrate glucose solution allowed blood to be stored for longer. this meant an army could asked for more blood before a major attack so they would have stocks to treat the wounded.
Plastic surgeon in the British Army - Developed the new technique of pedicle tubes - this allowed doctors to grow excess skin on a patient that could then be grafted over the wounded area.
1895 - discovered X-rays and developed early X-ray machines - now docotrs could see into the human body before they operated on a patient. He also did not patent his idea allowing people to copy his ideas - this lead to a rapid spread of X-ray machines.
1853 - he invented the hypodermic needle making it possible for a measured injection of a drug to be given to a patient or a measured withdrawal of blood to be taken. This revolutionised the dosing of patients making the process a lot safer.
1901 - solved the problem of blood transfusions when he suggested that there were different blood types - A, B and O the fourth group, AB was added in 1902. This meant that blood could be transfused effectively. However, the donor and recipient still had to be in the same room at hte same time.
British doctor who used ether whilst amputating a leg.
1847 - Discovered that chloroform was an extremely effective anaesthetic when he invited some doctors to his house where they experimented by inhaling various chemicals.
1848 - developed an chloroform inhaler that regulated the dosage and reduced the number of chloroform related deaths.
Professor of surgery Glasgow University 1859 - Glasgow royal infirmary 1861 - Became interested in Pasteur's work especially the idea that microbes were responsible for infecting a wound. In 1864 he found carbolic acid was being used in sewage works to kill parasites - he thought it could be used to kill microbes causing infection. He originally soaked bandages in carbolic acid and then developed a carbolic spray to use during surgery. He also developed ligatures made from catgut and his work led to aseptic surgery.
1846 - A dentist from the USA, found that the gas ether was a more long-lasting anaesthetic. It was used in an operation to remove a growth from a patients neck.
1799 - Discovered that inhaling nitrous oxide (laughing gas) made you less aware of Pain
1844-1845 A dentist from the USA, used nitrous oxide (laughing gas) when extracting teeth.
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