Synchronous sequential design


Level 5 Digital and Embedded systems Fichas sobre Synchronous sequential design , creado por Steven Pearson el 07/05/2018.
Steven Pearson
Fichas por Steven Pearson, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Steven Pearson
Creado por Steven Pearson hace más de 6 años

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta Respuesta
with the aid of a diagram explain what is combinational logic? This circuit's logic only relies on on the present input.
with the aid of a diagram explain what is sequential logic? its a type of circuit whose output depends on the present input and the history of the input. it has 'storage'
what are the two types of finite state machines that can be built from sequential logic circuits? MOORE & MEALY
using a diagram explain the moore machine the moore machine's output depends on the internal state of the circuit.
using a diagram explain the mealy machine mealy machines outputs depend on both external inputs and present states
State differences between Mealy and Moore machines
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