Biotech II


Fichas sobre Biotech II, creado por J yadonknow el 14/05/2018.
J yadonknow
Fichas por J yadonknow, actualizado hace más de 1 año
J yadonknow
Creado por J yadonknow hace más de 6 años

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta Respuesta
Pasture 1851 Microbe behind alcoholic fermentation
Carlsberg 1883 Saccharomyces carlsbergenesis
Pfizer 1923 Citric acid from Aspergillus niger
Penicillin Penicillium notatum gram +
Cephalosporins Gram - c. acremonium
Griseofulvin Antifungal p. griseofulvum
Fusidic acid Gram + f. coccineum
How did steroids used to be collected? From adrenal glands of animals
How Rhizopus diosgenin produces steroids converts diosgenin to cortione
What produces 1-ephedrine? Yeast
Vasoconstrictors Ergot alkaloids from claviceps
What trippy drug from shrooms? Lysergic acid
Cholesterol control uses what drug Statin
Organic acids and their uses (3) what org. produces them? (1) Citric acid Itaconic acid - paint Gluconic acid - toothpaste All produced by A. niger
Glycerols B vitamins are produced by S. cerevisiae
Enzymes used industrially and where they're made (4) Amylase invertase lactase All A. niger
Plant GH Giberellic acid
Asian foods tempeh shoyu
Biological control agents Use of org to control another
limitations / fungi Slow action Short field life
Mycopesticide example Green muscle
Wood rot is caused by H__ a__ and is controlled by P__ g__ Phlebia gigantea control of Heterobasidium annosum
Mycorrhizal what are used to improve crop yield Inoculant
White rot fungi research Lignin-degradation
Use in landscaping Mycofiltration in landscaping cloth
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