Plot elements


Review plot elements
Kayla Kassakatis
Fichas por Kayla Kassakatis, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Kayla Kassakatis
Creado por Kayla Kassakatis hace alrededor de 6 años

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta Respuesta
Plot The series of actions and events that take place in a story.
Setting The time and place in which a story occurs.
Conflict A struggle between opposing forces and/or characters.
Protagonist The main character in a story.
Antagonist A character who causes conflict for the protagonist in a story.
Mood The feelings the reader has in response to the writing.
Tone The author's attitude.
Theme The central idea, concern, or message in a text.
Point of View The perspective from which a story is told.
1st Person The point of view that uses the pronouns "I, Me, My, Mine, We, Our, Ours".
2nd Person The point of view that uses the pronouns "You, Your, Yours".
3rd Person The point of view that uses the pronouns "He, She, It, They, Theirs, Hers, His".
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