Philosophy AS keywords - epistemology


Fichas sobre Philosophy AS keywords - epistemology , creado por slatter.e07 el 30/09/2014.
Fichas por slatter.e07, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por slatter.e07 hace casi 10 años

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta Respuesta
Knowledge A cognitive state consisting in information, formed by BELIEFS being TRUE and JUSTIFIED in the right way.
Propositional knowledge Knowing that... (e.g. It hurts to fall on my face.)
Acquaintance knowledge Knowledge from contact...(e.g. Knowing who and where, ie knowing London)
Ability knowledge Knowing how...(e.g.I know how to ride a bike)
Direct realism The theory that the objects of PERCEPTION and their properties are real and PERCEIVED directly.
Indirect realism| IR PERCEPTION requires that the objects of perception and their qualities are real but we do not perceive them directly. Instead, MIND-DEPENDANT information mediates the relation between perceive and the observer. (see Locke, Russell)
Mind-Dependent | MD Something whose existence depends on a mind. e.g. the thought you're having right now
Mind-Independent | MI Something whose existence does not depend on a mind.
Perception Activity of the mind in which objects of perception are experienced through the senses.
Sense-Data | Sense-Datum The immediate, MIND-DEPENDENT objects of perception according to Russell.
External world The universe outside of the mind which includes our bodies, our planet and everything else.
Epistemology The branch of philosophy focusing on knowledge, especially that of the external world.
Assent[ed/ing] To accept or agree a theory or argument
Dissent[ed/ing] Not to accept a theory or argument
Scepticism/sceptic(s) State of questioning, or doubt about, whether something exists. at the extreme, doubting anything at all.
Solipsism/Solipsistic(s) The SCEPTICAL theory that nothing can be proven to exist except your own mind
Bertrand Russell 1872-1970 INDIRECT REALIST - produced theory of SENSE-DATA. This theory states that we perceive the objects of perception directly, but through mind-dependent sensations. He believed in properties like colour/taste were MIND-DEPENDENT and were caused by MIND-INDEPENDENT objects in the external world.
Realism/Realist(s) The belief that something is real. To be a realist about your phone is to believe that they have a real, physical existence in the EXTERNAL WORLD
Anti-Realist(s) To DISSENT to the theory to realism, things aren't real. (Berkeley was an ANTI-REALIST about the physical world, but a REALIST about MIND-INDEPENDENT ideas and minds)
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