VL6 Entrepreneurial Organization


Fichas sobre VL6 Entrepreneurial Organization, creado por Christian Weibel el 25/05/2018.
Christian Weibel
Fichas por Christian Weibel, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Christian Weibel
Creado por Christian Weibel hace casi 7 años

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta Respuesta
Organic structure? - Model of self organization - Peer to peer operating system - Roles defined around work, not people - Increases transparency - Authority is decentral - Empower individuals
When to use mechanistic structure? - Cost efficiency critical - Very large organizations - Standardized products - Stable and certain external environment
When to use organic structure? - Innovation critical - Smaller firms - Customized products in a flexible setting - Dynamic, complex, and uncertain environment
What is organizational culture? - Personality of the company - Basic beliefs and assumptions
Key cultural elements - Values - Rules of conduct - Vocabulary - Methodology - Rituals - Myths and stories
4 prototypical organizational cultures 1. Process culture 2. Tough guy / macho culture 3. Work hard, play hard culture 4. Bet-the-company culture
Process Culture - Little or no feedback - Concentrate on how things are done - Tight hierarchy - Bureaucracy --> Gemeindeverwaltung
Tough guy, macho culture - Competitive individualists - High personal risk - Quick feedback - Short term orientation --> Consulting
Work hard, play hard culture - Fun and action - Low risk-taking, quick feedback - Action-oriented - Customer focus, sales orientation
Bet the company culture - Big stakes decisions - High risk, slow feedback - Clear hierarchy - Technological breakthroughs
Elements of an entrepreneurial culture - Focus on people and empowerment - Value creation through innovation and change - Learning from failure - Collaboration and teamwork - Emphasis on future - Sense of urgency
Challenge of entrepreneurial culture Balance between individualism and collectivism --> somewhere in the middle
What means management support? - Active encouragement - Provision of resources - Openness toward ideas and suggestions
What means work discretion? - Freedom and decision making latitude for employees - Ability to follow own ideas - Less bureaucracy
What means rewards & reinforcement? - Recognition entrepreneurial behavior - Entrepreneurship-oriented assessment of performance
What means time availability? - Amount of time available to fulfill tasks - Danger: Getting stuck in daily operations
What means organizational boundaries? - Performance expectations - Clear guidelines and objectives - Transparent criteria
Multi-Step Modell of creating an Entrepreneurial Organization 1. Develop a vision and strategy 2. Create a culture of innovation 3. Develop organizational support 4. Reward according to results
1. Develop a vision and strategy - Develop mission statement - Entrepreneurship as central business
2. Create a culture of innovation - Important role of top management - Empowering of employees - Right to make mistakes
3. Develop organizational support - Integrate the new - Balance separation and integration - Space to develop
4. Reward according to results - Incentivize entrepreneurial initiatives - Non-financial incentives in addition - Moderate downside risk
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