communication in the perioperative environment


Fichas sobre communication in the perioperative environment, creado por Elizabeth Then el 13/06/2018.
Elizabeth Then
Fichas por Elizabeth Then, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Elizabeth Then
Creado por Elizabeth Then hace más de 6 años

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta Respuesta
perioperative information flow points of care preoperative - preadmission clinic, holding area intreoperative - surgical team, anaesthetics team postoperative - PARU, ward, day surgery
communication across disciplines barrier, facilitation factors
perioperative nursing handover verbal handover, occurs across disciplines, and across points of care
verbal and non-verbal communication consider dress code, touching in theatre, codes of behaviour
formal data flow mechanisms huddle, surgical safety checklist, team time out, patient chart
informal data flow mechanisms corridor conversations, notes on preop schedule, creating a huddle if there isnt one, paper scraps
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