A Christmas Carol Quotes


Fichas sobre A Christmas Carol Quotes, creado por 0serenityrose0 el 08/10/2014.
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Scrooge was '____ ___ _____ __ _____...____-_________...___ ________ __ __ _____.' (page 34) Scrooge was 'Hard and sharp as flint...self-contained...and solitary as an oyster.' (page 34)
'__ wind that ____ was ________ than he...' (page 34) 'No wind that blew was bitterer than he...' (page 34)
"...every _____ who goes about with '_____ _________' on his ____, should be ______ with his own _______, and ______ with a stake of ____ through his _____." (page 36) "...every idiot who goes about with 'Merry Christmas' on his lips, should be boiled with his own pudding, and buried with a stake of holy through his heart." (page 36)
"[love is] the only _____ in the _____ more ridiculous than a _____ __________." (page 37) "[love is] the only thing in the world more ridiculous than a Merry Christmas." (page 37)
"Are there no _______?...and the Union ___________?...are they still in __________?" (Scrooge, page 38) "Are there no prisons?...and the Union workhouses?...are they still in operation?" (Scrooge, page 38)
"Scrooge took his __________ dinner in his usual __________ ______..." (Narration, page 41) "Scrooge took his melancholy dinner in his usual melancholy tavern..." (Narration, page 41)
"...________ is _____, and Scrooge _____ it." (Narration, page 43) "...darkness is cheap, and Scrooge liked it." (Narration, page 43)
"I ____ the _____ i forged in ____...is it's _______ strange to you?" (Marley's Ghost, page 47-8) "I wear the chain i forged in life...is it's pattern strange to you?" (Marley's Ghost, page 47-8)
"But you were always a _____ man of _________, Jacob." (Scrooge, page 49) "_______ was my _________." (Marley's Ghost, page 49) "But you were always a good man of business, Jacob." (Scrooge, page 49) "Mankind was my business." (Marley's Ghost, page 49)
"[Marley's chains] were the _____ of all [his] __________ grief." (Narration, page 49) "[Marley's chains] were the cause of all [his] unavailing grief." (Narration, page 49)
Scrooge was a "________ child, _________ by his friends." (Ghost of Christmas Past, page 57) Scrooge was a "solitary child, neglected by his friends." (Ghost of Christmas Past, page 57)
"You ____ the world too much...the ______-passion, ____, engrosses you...You are _______." (Belle, page 65) "You fear the world too much...the master-passion, Gain, engrosses you...You are changed." (Belle, page 65)
Scrooge was "_____ alone in the ______." (Belle's husband, page 68) Scrooge was "Quite alone in the world." (Belle's husband, page 68)
"Spirit...____ me if Tiny Tim will ____." (Scrooge, page 82) "If these _______ remain _________ by the future, the _____ will ___." (Ghost of Christmas Present, page 82) "Spirit...tell me if Tiny Tim will live." (Scrooge, page 82) "If these shadows remain unaltered by the future, the child will die." (Ghost of Christmas Present, page 82)
"Scrooge was the ____ of the ______." (Narration, page 83) "Scrooge was the Ogre of the family." (Narration, page 83)
"...i couldn't be _____ with him if i tried...i ____ him." (Fred, page 87-8) "...i couldn't be angry with him if i tried...i pity him." (Fred, page 87-8)
"...he ________ more and ____." (Narration, page 89) "...he softened more and more." (Narration, page 89)
"He wouldn't ____ it from me [a Merry Christmas], but may he ____ it, _____________." (Fred, page 91) "He wouldn't take it from me [a Merry Christmas], but may he have it, nevertheless." (Fred, page 91)
"They are ___'_...This boy is _________. This girl is ____. ______ them both." (Ghost of Christmas Present, page 94) "They are man's...This boy is Ignorant. This girl is Want. Beware them both." (Ghost of Christmas Present, page 94)
"Have they no ______ or ________ ?" (Scrooge, page 94) "Are there no _______?...Are there no ____________?" (Ghost of Christmas Present, page 94) "Have they no refuge or resource?" (Scrooge, page 94) "Are there no prisons?...Are there no workhouses?" (Ghost of Christmas Present, page 94)
"He __________ everyone away from him when he was _____, to ______ us when he was ____!" (Woman, page 102) "He frightened everyone away from him when he was alive, to profit us when he was dead!" (Woman, page 102)
Scrooge's body was "_________ and bereft, ___________, unwept, _______for." (Narration, page 102) Scrooge's body was "plundered and bereft, unwatched, unwept, uncared for." (Narration, page 102)
"I am ___ the ___ i was. I will not be the man i ____ have been ______." (Scrooge, page 109) "I am not the man i was. I will not be the man i must have been before." (Scrooge, page 109)
"I am as _____ as an _____...Merry Christmas to __________! Whoop! Hallo!" (Scrooge, page 111) "I am as happy as an angel...Merry Christmas to everybody! Whoop! Hallo!" (Scrooge, page 111)
"I'll _____ your salary, and _________ to assist your struggling ______." (Scrooge, page 116) "I'll raise your salary, and endeavor to assist your struggling family." (Scrooge, page 116)
"The sky was ______...yet there was an ___ of cheerfulness...for the people were ______ and full of ____." (Page 75) "The sky was gloomy...yet there was an air of cheerfulness...for the people were jovial and full of glee." (Page 75)
"They found a ________ company [of miners] assembled around a _______ fire...______ out in their holiday _____...singing a Christmas ____." (page 86) "They found a cheerful company [of miners] assembled around a glowing fire...decked out in their holiday attire...singing a Christmas song." (page 86)
Despite the '______' atmosphere of the '_________ lighthouse', the two men wished each other a 'Merry Christmas.' (page 86) Despite the 'dismal' atmosphere of the 'solitary lighthouse', the two men wished each other a 'Merry Christmas.' (page 86)
The sailors all '______ a Christmas tune.' (page 86) The sailors all 'hummed a Christmas tune.' (page 86)
Scrooge had become so '___ and _____ of heart.' (page 91) Scrooge had become so 'gay and light of heart.' (page 91)
"Well...___ _______ [nickname for the devil] has got his own at last, hey?" (Page 97) "Well...Old Scratch [nickname for the devil] has got his own at last, hey?" (Page 97)
Scrooge had now obtained '___-born resolutions' that he hoped where to be '_______ out' in his '_______ of ____.' (page 98) Scrooge had now obtained 'new-born resolutions' that he hoped where to be 'carried out' in his 'change of life.' (page 98)
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