4.1 Heat


Fichas sobre 4.1 Heat, creado por Addna Dahir el 16/07/2018.
Addna Dahir
Fichas por Addna Dahir, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Addna Dahir
Creado por Addna Dahir hace más de 6 años

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta Respuesta
What is heat? Heat is a form of energy that you sense through receptors in your skin.
What can heat be transferred through? Solid, Liquid and Gas.
What is a solid? Solids are particles that are closely packed together and keep their form.
What is a liquid? Liquids are closely packed particles that vibrate on their spot.
What is a gas? Gases are particles that are not bound together and are free to move.
What is kinetic energy? Kinetic is an energy of movement
What is a thermometer? An instrument measured to find temperature.
What is temperature currently measure in? Degrees Celsius.
How does heat transfer? Heat flows from areas of higher temperature to areas of lower temperatures.
3 ways of heat transfer? Conduction, Convection and Radiation
What is Conduction? A method of heat transfer in which heat is passed by vibration of particles.
What is Convection? Transfer to heat in a liquid or gas due to less dense, warmer matter rising and denser , cooler matter falling.
What is Radiation? Movement of the heat in the form of electromagnetic waves, which can travel through a vaccum.
What are insulators? A material that doesn't conduct heat well.
What are conductors? A substance that allows heat to flow through it.
What is reflection? The bouncing of light off something.
What is the temperature that water freezes on? absolute zero.
Name a good conductor of heat Metal e.g. steel and aluminium
Name a poor conductor of heat Gas
Three types of radiation. absorption, reflection and transmission.
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