Fold Terms


(Deformation) GCSE Geology Fichas sobre Fold Terms, creado por Mr Francis el 19/10/2014.
Mr Francis
Fichas por Mr Francis, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Mr Francis
Creado por Mr Francis hace más de 10 años
1 2 3 4 5 (1)

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta Respuesta
What type of forces create folds? Compressive
What is the name of this type of fold? Anticline
What is the name of this type of fold? Syncline
What is the upward point of a fold called (A)? Crest
What is the downward part of a fold called (B)? Trough
What is the name for the rocks between the top and bottom of a fold (red)? Limb
What is the angle from the horizontal called (blue)? Dip
The horizontal line found 90 degrees from the maximum dip is called... Strike
The imaginary line through the centre of a fold is called the... Fold Axis (Fold Axes - Plural)
Folds with limbs dipping at the same angle described as... Symmetrical
Folds with limbs dipping at different angles are described as... Asymmetrical
When one limb gets turned over, the fold is called an... Overfold
Folds with steeply dipping limbs are described as... Angular
Folds with a gradual change in dip at the crest/trough are described as... Rounded
Folds with steeply dipping limbs are described as... Tight
Folds with gently dipping limbs are described as... Open
The oldest rocks in an anticline are... In the centre.
The oldest rocks in a syncline are ... On the edges.
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