

Fichas sobre Untitled, creado por Ana Nichols el 16/07/2013.
Ana Nichols
Fichas por Ana Nichols, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Ana Nichols
Creado por Ana Nichols hace más de 11 años

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Alexander Technique Alexander Technique was created by Frederick M, 1900s Modality base on correct posture and movement to align head,neck and spine cords usado muito entre os cantores
AMMA or Anma has been praticed for more than 4,000s in China.Amma is now know as Shitsu.
Aston Patterning was created by Judith Astom is one hand massages in the direction of tthe grain of the muscle while the other hand uses a spiraling motion that follows where the tissues direct or lead
Bindegewebsmassage By Elizabeth Dickie is a modality developed in Germany by Elizabeth Dickie in 1940..is a type of connective tissue massage that follows the patterns of dermatomes
Craniosacral Therapy by John Upledger Craniosacral Therapy involves cranial rhythm,movement of cerebral spinal fluids as it relates to production and dissipation of those fluids ,, Balance movement at five diaphagms of body,pelvis,diaphragms,hyoid and cranial..
Rolfing by Ida Pauline Rolf combination of memories of physical and emotional trauma, stored in the muscles and connective tissue, and a misalignment of the musculoskeletal system with the body's centre of gravity were responsible for many physical and psychological problems.Rolfing is a 10 session program focused in a specific area of the body
Kinesiology / Touch of Health by chiropractor John F Thie is a very powerful tool that combines non-invasive muscle monitoring and feedback system with traditional theories of Chinese Medicine to evaluate energy (meridian flow) and body function. This helps to identify imbalances in the body's structural, chemical and emotional energy to establish the body's priority healing needs. Kinesiology's premise is that the body has an innate healing energy and is always repairing and caring for itself, but sometimes it needs to be helped along to achieve this care. Kinesiology is not one of the massage therapies that treats or diagnoses conditions. It is concerned with the imbalances in the body's energy. Some areas used for relief are: injury and emotional
Trigger point by Janet Travel Tecnique is similar of acupressure and shiatsu. it is anatomically oriented ,deep tissue,pressure point tecnique used for spot work to relieve pain and increase mobility within specific muscles that have been mapped out and and have referred pain indications...presure for 5-30 seconds.
Infant Massage by Vimala schmeider Massage is an excellent way for both parents to bond and communicate with their child. Gentle touch is very important part of a baby's existence and allows them to feel secure and loved.
Orto Byonomy By Artur Lincoln Pauls
Lymphatic Drainage by Emell Vodder This systematic approch to opening and clearing the lymph system
Transverse Friction tecniques by James Cyriax
Swedish massage by Per Henrik Ling was originally developed in the late 18th Century by a Swedish fencing master as the first systematic system of therapeutic massage in the West. The strokes and movements of Swedish massage are each conceived as having a specific therapeutic benefit.
Foot Reflexology By Willian Fetzgerald and Eunice Ingla is an entire system of massage therapies devoted to the feet. The feet map out the entire body through a reflex mechanism so that by stimulating a certain area of the foot a corresponding organ or body part is simultaneously stimulated. The hands and ears are other areas of the body which have similar reflex maps inherent in their structure, but the feet correspond to the chronic state of the organs, etc., rather than to acute or sub-acute levels.
Shiatsu by Tamai Tempaka Shiatsu is a traditional healing art based on TCM. It combines massage, stretching, and gentle physical pressure along meridian channels and pressure points. Acupuncture also uses these meridians and pressure points to balance the body's energy (known as "Ki" or "Chi").
Reiki By Mikao is an ancient Japanese hands-on form of alternative healing that can incorporate other methods such as chakra balancing, meditation, crystals, aromatherapy and spiritual healing. Hands can be place on or just above the client in a passive way and the energy from the universe is transferred through the practitioner to the client. Reiki promotes emotional balance, spiritual awareness, and physical well-being to help the body heal itself with positive energy.
Hydrotherapy Hydrotherapy is an accepted and proven aid in the treatment of many conditions, from arthritis to varicose veins, and in physical rehabilitation. The virtues of water, as a therapeutic tool have been known for thousands of years. Types of water include hot, cold, steam, liquid and ice. Today's modern techniques include ice or freezing water, spa baths, high powered jets, hot & cold baths and saunas.
Cupping is used to expel toxins from areas of pain and tightness and uses glass cups, held by suction, to massage the body. The action on the nervous system can be sedating and the client can experience a deep state of relaxation. Traditionally the cups are placed on the back
Connective Tissue Massage moves fascia, effectively removing restricted movement. It is of benefit for anyone who has chronic tension, poor posture, arthritis, tendonitis, TMJ and sciatica. Also referred to as Myofascial Release
Chinese Massage (Tui Na) is the most common form of acupressure practised in China and is part of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Tui Na translates as 'push and grasp'. Acu-points are stimulated with fingers, thumbs, feet and knees. The client remains dressed and experiences a vigorous body massage using techniques such as rubbing, kneading, and rolling to recharge the body's energy levels. This can be done on a floor mat or table
Bowen Therapy is a very gentle, yet dynamic remedial therapy that empowers the body to heal itself. Exact moves over muscles, tendons and ligaments are applied to disturb the fascia. There are frequent pauses between each series of moves to allow the body time to benefit from the treatment. These types of massage promote healing through physical, emotional, mental and energetic levels as well as relief from pain and discomfort from a multitude of chronic and acute conditions.
Aromatherapy is the art of applying essential oils combined with relaxation massage. These types of massage are designed to improve physical and emotional well-being. The essential oils have been extracted from various parts of certain plants. They are easily absorbed through the skin with a gentle caring massage by a professional aromatherapist and works on a physical, mental and emotional level
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