

Cambridge IGCSE and GCSE (Biology) Science Fichas sobre Cells, creado por Millie Berrett el 21/10/2014.
Millie Berrett
Fichas por Millie Berrett, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Millie Berrett
Creado por Millie Berrett hace casi 10 años

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta Respuesta
What is a specialized cell? A cell becomes specialized when it has particular structures to help them carry out different tasks and functions
Functions and adaptations of Red Blood cells? -transport oxygen from the lungs to the tissues. -filled with haemoglobin which allows it to carry oxygen. -no nucleus to allow space for haemoglobin -flexible so can fit through cappilaries
Functions and adaptations of Muscle cell -Contracts so the structures can be brought together -Long cells which have lots of fibres in the cytoplasm -Fibres can shorten the cell when energy is available
Functions and adaptations of ciliated cells -Have a layer of tiny hairs which can move mucus
Functions and adaptations of Motor nerve cell -Conducts nerve impulses -Has long fibre which impulses travel along -many branched end which can connect to other cells
Functions and adaptations of a Root hair cell - Absorbs minerals and water -Long extension to increase surface area -increased surface area improves absorption of materials
Functions and adaptations of Xylem vessel -Transports water easily due to no cytoplasm -Supports the plant -Strong walls strengthened by a waterproof substance called lignin
What is a tissue? A tissue is a group of cells with similar structures working together to perform a shared function (Epithelium lining in the intestine)
What is an organ? An organ is a group of tissues working together to perform certain functions (Intestine)
What is an organ system? An organ system is a group of organs with related functions working together to perform body functions (Digestive system)
Define diffusion Diffusion is the net movement of molecules within a gas or liquid from a region of high concentration to a region of lower concentration as a result of their random movement until an equilibrium is reached
How have living organism adapted to speed up diffusion? -Diffusion distances are short -Concentration gradients are maintained -Diffusion surfaces are large
Define osmosis Osmosis is the diffusion of water molecules from a region of higher concentration of water molecules to a region of lower concentration of water molecules (down a water potential gradient) through a partially permeable membrane
Define active transport Active transport is a method by which particles can cross membranes even against a concentration gradient
Diagram of active transport
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