ASL flashcard set 1


beginners asl
Kylie Burt
Fichas por Kylie Burt, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Kylie Burt
Creado por Kylie Burt hace más de 6 años

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta Respuesta
A A fist with your thumb on the side.
B Palm out with thumb in bent to your palm.
C Make a c with your hand.
D You should make a lower case d by having your pointer finger up then connect your middle finger and your thumb and bring the last two fingers with your middle finger.
E Make a half fist and have your thumb below your other finger.
F Make an ok sign so connect your thumb and pointer.
G Its like you are pointing at someone.
H Make a two barrel gun but put your thumb down like you do with a g.
I All your fingers should be down except you pinky.
J Use your pinky and make a j in the air.
K YOur pointer finger should point up and your middle finger should be straight out and your thumb should be in the same position as your pointer finger.
L Make an L with your pointer finger and your thumb.
M put your thumb in between your pinky and the closes finger to your pinky.
N Put your thumb in the middle of your fingers so there should be two fingers on each side.
o Make an o with your hand.
p A sideways k.
Q point you thumb and pointer fingers down in a upside down u look
R your middle finger straight and your pointer finger over your middle finger.
S make a fist don't get it confused with s.
T Make a fist then put your thumb between your middle and pointer finger.
U put your middle and point finger up and keep the rest down.
v make a v with you middle and pointer.
W make a w your thumb and pinky down.
X bend you pointer finger to make a hook.
Y have your pinky and your thumb out your other fingers should be down.
Z make a z in the air with your pointer finger.
1 make 1 with your pointer.
2 make a with your pointer and middle.
3 have your pointer and middle and thumb up.
4 all your fingers up except your thumb.
5 all your fingers up
6 have your thumb and pinky touch
7 have your thumb touch your ring finger
8 have your thumb touch your middle finger.
9 have your thumb touch your pointer finger.
10 thumb up
11 put your hand into a fist then you bring your pointer finger up then down and back up twice
12 put your hand into a fist then you bring your pointer finger and middle finger up then down and back up twice
13 put your hand into a fist then have your thumb out then you bring your pointer finger and middle finger up then move them up and down twice but dont move your thumb
14 all your fingers are up except your thumb then have all your fingers up come up and down twice
15 all your fingers up but your thumb doesn't move the rest go up and down twice
16 your thumb and your pinky should be touching then flick your wrist twice
17 your thumb should be touching your ring finger then flick your wrist twice
18 your middle finger and thumb should be touching then flick your wrist twice
19 have your pointer and thumb touch then flick your wrist twice
20 only have you pointer and thumb out then have them pointed out and tap them together 3 times
hello salute
good morning put your hand up to your chin then bring it down to your palm then put your hand in the crest of your arm and have that arm come up.
good afternoon put your hand up to your chin then bring it down to you other hand faced down and go up and down
good evening put your hand up to your chin then bring it down like a dog crossing its paws come up twice
good night put your hand up to your chin then bring it down like a dog crossing its paws
goodbye wave
your put your hand out like your stopping somebody
name have your pointer and you middle finger up only on both hands then make like a cross with your fingers and go up and down.
what have your palms up half way up then shake your hands.
you point at the person your talking to
me/I point at yourself
him/her his/hers him and her have your hand in the bottom right with your palm out moving towards you and away and for his and hers have your hand right in the middle of you and go back and forth with your palm in.
mine pat your cheast
theirs start on your right side palm out and make a quarter circle
get someones attention pat their shoulder softly
girl have your hand in a fist but with your thumb up then drag your thumb down your face starting by your ear down your cheek
boy put your hand up by your forehead then act like your making your hand talk but only twice
woman have your hand in a fist then put your thumb to your chin then make your hand where 4 fingers are up and your thumb is down and then turn your hand side wise on your top chest you thumb should be touching your chest
man Put your hand up to your forehead straight up then bring your hand down to your chest.
family make your hands into 2 ok sgins
mother put your hand up to your chin with your thumb to your chin then bring it down
father have your hand open then tap you forehead 2 times with your thumb
son bring your hand to your head then clap your fingers 2 times then bring your hand to the crease of your other arm
daughter have your hand but have thumb up then bring it down your cheek and lay your hand in your other arm like you are holding a baby
brother have both your hands like you have finger guns then have one hand up by your forehead you thumb should be touching then bring it to your other hand and put it on your wrist
sister have your thumb run down your chin with your hand in a fist then bring it down on your other wrist then your hands should look like finger guns
aunt have the nail of your thumb on you face then bring it down your face with your hand in a fist
uncle hold up you middle and pointer and shake you hand in tiny circles
cousin make a c and make tiny circles
cousin (male) make a c and make tiny circles by your head
cousin (women) make a c and make tiny circles by your chin
grandmother have your palm open but have your thumb touching your chin then hop your hand forward twice
grandfather have your palm open but have your thumb touching your forehead then hop your hand forward twice
grandson make finger guns like your pointing at someone then point up then bring one hand up and clap your fingers then bring your arm down to the crease of your arm
granddaughter put your hands together when polling them apart when pulling them away from each other put both of your pointers up but have your fingers bent then with one hand close have your thumb go down your cheak
niece have your pointer and middle finger out then bend you fingers a little and then bring your hand up to your face and then bring them down.
nephew have your pointer and middle finger out then bend you fingers a little and then bring your hand up by your forehead then shake your hand twice
husband have your hand open bring it up to your forehead but the backside of your hand should be touching your hand then bring your hand and place it in your other hand
wife bring you thumb down your cheek then put your hand in your other hand
in law finger spell in then make a l then have your other hand touch the bottom and top of the hand with the l
friend make a hook with your pointer finger on both hands then hook them together then switch
married put one hand in the other where your palms are touching.
engaged make a e with one hand have your other hand bent in front of you with the hand with the e move it around then put it on your other hand
Divorced make a d with both of your hands then point them at each other where there touching then move them out
Separated have the backside of your fingers touching but not the backs then have your thumbs up
Common-law make a c with one hand then touch your thumb to your middle finger like your making a o then put your thumb between your pinky and your ring finger then back to an o then but your thumb in between your middle and ring finger then make a l and have your other hand flat straight up and tap the hand with the l on top and bottom of your other hand.
single/alone put your pointer finger in the air and move it in a small circles
dating make to ds with your hands then tap them together twice
sweetheart put your fists together up put your chest have your thumbs up then move them up and down twice
Boyfriend/Girlfriend connect your pinkys and move your thumbs twice
Get along/Not get along both of your hands push away from you then do it again in a different direction then put one hand i a fist were your thumb is up then put your thumb under your chin and move it under your chin
sorry have your hand in a fist then put your fist then move it in a circle in the middle of your chest
please your hand should be flat on your chest then move it in circles
thank you have both of your hands up but have one on your chin then move them forward
Have/possess have both hands up at your chest with your all your finger tips touching your chest then have your thumb uo
none make os with both hands then make cross then have them go away from each other can mean no
21 make a gun and just move your thumb back and forth 5 times
22 have your pointer and middle finger out and tap it in front of you once and then again in a different spot but don't tap it on anything just the air
23 have your middle and pointer finger and your thumb up and just move your middle finger back and forth
24 make a gun again then put 4 fingers up not your thumb
25 have all your fingers up then bring your middle finer out and move it back an fourth 5 times
26 make a gun then touch your thumb and pinky the rest of your fingers should be up
27 make a gun then touch your thumb to your ring finger
28 make a gun then touch your thumb to your middle finger
29 make a gun then touch your thumb to your pointer finger
30 then have your pinkey and ring finger bent and have the rest of up but spread apart then close your hand
Language you have the two L hands that start together, and then make wavy motions as they separate in front of the chest. The older version, which the model demonstrates second, is becoming popular again. Either sign is acceptable these
ASL finger spell asl
English place one hand over the other but on your wrist the bring it into your chest. Imagine a proper English man with both hands resting on his cane as he sits on a park bench. That may make it easier to remember.
Speak/Talk have 4 fingers with your thumb bent into your palm then tap twice on your chin then move your face a little the tap twice again.
Listen 1. have your thumb up and your middle and pointer finger up then bring your hand by your eye and then move your middle and pointer finger back and forth and move your whole hand back and forth towards your face. 2. do the same thing to your ears
Sign/Talk in ASL (v. to communicate in sign language) 1. make two fists on either sides of your body then bring them up but with your hands open and your fingers moving then bring them down then go into fists. 2. then have your pointer fingers out on both hands then go in a circle around each other
Pay Attention have both hands up with just 4 fingers up and your thumb bent into your palm then bring both of your hands up to either sides of your forehead
Communicate with both hands make a to big cs then move back and forth
Chat use both hands and have your hands open go up and down on your side then act like your climbing a wall and shack your hands back and forth
Deaf have your pointer finger up and point at your ear then your mouth
Hearing/Non-Deaf have your pointer finger out the make small circles around your mouth
Hard of Hearing have your middle an pointer finger out then tap in two places in the air in two different places or two h's
Interpreter make two f's and put them together then turn one hand like your turning a key
Feel/feeling and Feel have your hand open and then have your middle finger bent then swipe up and a couple times on your chest The sign for how we feel physically shows the feeling coming up from our hearts.
Happy both hands on either sides of your chest then brush up a couple times
Sad bring your hand down your face with both hands
Angry bring one hand up to your face have your hand half way between a hand open and a fist
Excited have your hands open and then have your middle finger bent then swipe up and a couple times on your chest but at opposite times of eachother
Sick have your hands open and then have your middle finger bent then tap your forehead with one hand and the other on your stomach If you want to communicate that you are sick of studying, for instance, it is a related but very different sign. You would add a little twist to the hand and use a different facial expression. When you are “sick” of something, you usually don’t feel it in your head or stomach!
Tired have your hands on either side of your chest the finger tip should be on your chest and then drop your hands
Nervous shake your hands a little lower then your chest then bring it up
So-so shake your hands back and forth
Depressed start at the top of your chest and bring your hands down
Fine have your hand open except for your thumb have your thumb bent then tap in the middle of your chest
Color bring your hand to your chin and tap your 3 fingers on your chin
Red bring your pointer finger to your lips then bring your finger down while you do that bend your finger
Pink make a p by your lips then bring your middle finger down
Blue make a b then shake your hand back and forth like your princess waving
Green have your pointer and thumb up the turn it like you are turning a key back and forth
Purple make a p then shake your hand back and forth
Yellow make a y and shake your hand back and forth
Orange bring your hand to your chin and squeeze your fists a couple times
Black bring your hand to your forehead with your pointer finger up and wipe it across your forehead
White have your hand on your cheats open hand with your fingers wide then close your hand as you do that bring your hand away from your chest
Gray have both hands up with your fingers spread a part and move them back and forth hitting each other
brown make a b and start at the top of your face and bring it down
yes make a fist and move it up and down
no have your pointer and middle finger and thumb up then tap them together a couple times
Maybe have both hands up and move your hands up and down at opposite times
Don’t know have the tips of your fingers on your forehead then flick your hand away from you
Who bring your pointer finger up to your face then bend your finger twice
Why have the tips of your fingers on your forehead then bend all your fingers while bring your hand down too
Which You can think about this sign as coming from “this hand or that hand?” move your hand up and down with your thumbs up like your driving
how have your fingers pointed down and the back of your fingers together then flip them up still together with your thumbs up
Favorite have all your fingers up have your middle finger bent and tap your chin
Like make an 8 have it pointed towards your chest and pull it away
Dislike make a 8 on your chest then act like your tossing something away.
Want have both hands out palms up then bring then towards you
Don’t want have both hands out palms up then push them away and down
44 have 4 fingers up w/ your thumb down then put it in front of you and then move it right or to your left?
55 have 5 fingers up then put it in front of you and then move it right or to your left?
66 have 3 fingers up w/ your thumb and pinky touching and put your hand in front of you and move it to the right or left?
77 have 3 fingers up again but have your ring finger and thumb touching and move it to the right or left?
30 have 3 fingers up and have your ring and pi`nky finger down then close your fingers that you have up like a claw
31 have 3 fingers up and have your ring and pi`nky finger down then put down all your fingers but your pointer
32 have 3 fingers up and have your ring and pi`nky finger down then put down all your fingers but your pointer and middle finger
33 have 3 fingers up and have your ring and pinky finger down then move your hand to the right or left?
34 have 3 fingers up and have your ring and pi`nky finger down then put 4 fingers up but your thumb
35 have 3 fingers up and have your ring and pi`nky finger down then put 5 fingers up
36 have 3 fingers up and have your ring and pi`nky finger down then put your thumb and pinky touch
37 have 3 fingers up and have your ring and pi`nky finger down then put your thumb and ring finger touching
38 have 3 fingers up and have your ring and pi`nky finger down then put your thumb and middle finger together
39 have 3 fingers up and have your ring and pi`nky finger down then put your thumb and your pointer finger
40 put 4 fingers up w/your thumb down then make a zero
41 put 4 fingers up w/your thumb down then put your pointer up
42 put 4 fingers up w/your thumb down then put down all your fingers but your pointer and middle finger
43 put 4 fingers up w/your thumb down then put your ring finger and pinky finger down
45 put 4 fingers up w/your thumb down then put 5 fingers up
46 put 4 fingers up w/your thumb down then put your thumb and pinky touch
47 put 4 fingers up w/your thumb down then put your thumb and ring finger touching
48 put 4 fingers up w/your thumb down then put your thumb and middle finger together
49 put 4 fingers up w/your thumb down then put your thumb and your pointer finger
50 put 5 fingers up then make a zero
51 put 5 fingers up then put your pointer up
52 put 5 fingers up then put down all your fingers but your pointer and middle finger
53 put 5 fingers up then put your ring finger and pinky finger down
54 put 5 fingers up then put your thumb down
56 put 5 fingers up then put your thumb and pinky touch
57 put 5 fingers up then put your thumb and ring finger touching
58 put 5 fingers up then put your thumb and middle finger together
59 put 5 fingers up then
60 have your thumb and pinky touching w/your other 3 fingers up then close them on top of your pinky and thumb
school have one of your palms faced up and then have your other palm faced down then clap twice
Grade/level (in school) have the tips of your fingers touch like you're a shelf then pull them apart
pre-school have the front of your fingers touch the back of your other hand's fingers then pull it away then do the low horizontal clap twice
Kindergarten have one hand where your palm is pointed down and under that your other hand you make a k and move it back and forth
Elementary have one hand where your palm is pointed down and under that your other hand you make a e and move it back and forth
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