L7 Abnormal Psychology - Schizophrenia


Diagnosis • Hallucinations • Delusions • Disorganised thinking • Disorganised behaviour • Positive vs Negative symptoms • Epidemiology & Etiology • Treatment • Video
Riya Vaidya
Fichas por Riya Vaidya, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Riya Vaidya
Creado por Riya Vaidya hace más de 9 años

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta Respuesta
What is Schizophrenia? • Schizophrenia is a mental illness that causes strange thinking, abnormal feelings, and unusual behavior.
How can you diagnose someone with skitzo? • Diagnosis requires two or more of the following (at least one symptom must be from the first 3 listed below); present for a significant portion of time during a 1 month period (less if successfully treated).  Delusions  Hallucinations  Disorganized speech  Grossly disorganized or catatonic behavior  Negative symptoms
- Must caused marked reduction in functioning, must affect day to day life. • Continuous signs of disturbance must be present for at least 6 months (can include prodromal, active, and residual symptoms).
What is the prodromal phase? Lasts for a few months, patient notices subtle changes to how they experience emotions, how they think, or their changes in relationships they may become with drawn. (ALL SUBTLE CHANGES)
What is the active phase? Where positive symptoms, hallucinations, delusions, and disorganised thought become really noticeable. Can last for a month or longer.
What is the residual phase/recovery phase? Hallucinations present a little bit of the time.
What are hallucinations? • Hallucinations are distortions in perception (across any sensory modalities) that do not have a basis in reality. Hallucinations are usually negative.
What are the different kinds of hallucinations? Auditory -hearing things that aren't there.  Visual - seeing things that aren't there  Olfactory -tasting rubber  Gustatory - tasting metalic or sour taste in their mouth  Tactile - bugs under their skin
What are delusions? • Delusions are fixed beliefs that are not amenable to change in light of conflicting evidence.
What are the different types of dellusions?  Persecutory - feeling that someone is out to get them E.g CIA out to get them.  Referential - Receiving secret messages sent to them through the tv  Religious - devil trying to follow them  Grandiose - might think they are important when they aren't  Bizarre - can't be plausible at all, don't make sense e.g. their head is in a glass jar at a museum.
What is disorganised thinking? What is disorganised thinking? • Thought disturbance that produces a conversational style that can include: Off track/derailment - skip from topic to topic only vaguely related Tangential - move from topic to topic very fast Irrelevant - one sentences to another which doesn't have any connection at all A word salad - random words put together = makes no sense.
What is disorganised behavior and what does it include? • Includes: Agitation - feeling more figity or restless Hyperactivity - pacing around can't stay still Facial grimacing Repetitive hand movements Immobility/catatonia - absence of any behaviour at all, hardly moving. These are positive symptoms because they are being added to the problems they already have.
What are positive symptoms? Positive symptoms • Positive symptoms of Schizophrenia include distortions in:  Thought (delusions)  Perception (hallucinations)  Language and thought processes (disorganised speech)  Self-monitoring of behavior (disorganised or catatonic behavior).
What are negative symptoms? Negative symptoms • Negative symptoms include restrictions in the:  Range & intensity of emotional expression (affective flattening) - not expressing hw they feel  Fluency & productivity of thought & speech (alogia)  Initiation of goal directed behavior (avolition) -reduction in motivation not heading toward any goals  Ability to experience pleasure (anhedonia)  Lack of interest in social interactions (asociality) -withdrawing from social interations
What is the main treatment for skitzo? Combination of medication along with individual and family therapy. • Medications most commonly used are the “atypical” - the next generation of anti-psychotics. Fam therapy- try to work with fam educat fam with how they can reduce the stress that the peerson is feeling - accute psychotic episde = increased stress. antipsychotics which are used to reduce symptoms such as hallucinations and delusions. For example:  Olanzapine  Clozapine
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