Grade 6 Social Science October cycle test


Fichas sobre Grade 6 Social Science October cycle test, creado por mantha el 27/10/2014.
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becoming good historians 2 concepts: CHRONOLOGY - refers to time EVIDENCE - refers to analysing and interpreting clues about the past
What does Renaissance mean? A time in history when many new ideas were developed eg art, literature, and re-discovering ideas from Ancient Greece
a turning point in the history of Europe = Renaissance
How did the renaissance come about? People all over Europe started to change the way they thought about themselves and the world around them Began in Italy and spread to other parts of Europe Was a turning point in European history Turning point=a time when important changes start
Women in Renaissance society Women did not have power in Renaissance society Lives of poor women did not change during Renaissance Women were not educated - wealthy women were often educated privately at home but we're not allowed to attend universities Believed women could not be great artists or scientists
At what time was the European Renaissance During 15th and 16th centuries
Name 2 contributors to renaissance Leonardo da Vinci - inventor, artist Galileo- inventor, responsible for birth of modern science
Astronomy Science that studies the planets and the stars
Solar system The sun and all the planets that revolve around it
Leonardo da Vinci Greatest thinker that ever lived Lived in Italy Loved learning Studies how the human body worked Fascinated by nature and studied many plants and animals Was an inventor First plans for helicopter bicycle motor car and watch One of greatest artists and sculptors of all time His work helped to increase European knowledge of how things worked
Galileo Used new invention Astrological telescope to study the sun and the stars His studies showed that the Sun is the centre of the solar system and that the earth and planets revolve around the sun Responsible for the birth of modern science
What impact did the scientific discoveries and inventions have on Europeans? Made it easier for Europeans to begin their journeys of exploration
Explore Travel to unknown places
Dutch and holland Holland is a country in Europe and the people living there speak Dutch
Voyages Long journeys
Caravel A large ship
Age of european exploration=15th & 16th centuries Portuguese, Dutch, Spanish and British ships left the shores on long voyages to continents and countries they knew very little about
how were the caravels suited to long voyages? could change direction quickly were large so could store enough water/food for long voyages could sail in strong winds with special sails fore and aft so didn't need people to row strong masts to handle the strong winds faster and safer than other sailing ships so Europeans sailors could sail further
things that made European voyages of exploration possible invention of the caravel - faster safer boats new powerful guns with gunpowder - this meant that the ships crew could defend themselves ships could sail further away from land with the invention of the magnetic compass - helped sailors find their way renaissance scientists drew maps of the world - understanding that the earth is round gave sailors confidence to sail across the sea cannons and gunpowder helped sailors defend their boats
who produced the first gun? Arabs
how did gunpowder and cannons help the early explorers? meant that ships crew could attack and defend people who did not welcome them cannons shot cannonballs filled with gunpowder to far away targets at high speed
who invented gunpowder? invented by the Chinese - was first Black powder then adapted to gunpowder later
gunpowder an explosive substance in the form of powder
compass helps sailors find their way magnetic needle attached to a disk - point of the needle always points NORTH made it possible for sailors to take their ships further out to sea and not always sail close to land then used instruments to find out where they were and where they could go
sailors needed certain inventions to be able to do the following things: a)sail far away from land b)be certain ships would not fall off the edge of the earth c)use ships that could change direction easily,suited for long journeys and could sail in dangerous winds d)be able to defeat people who did not welcome them a)magnetic compass b)maps c))caravel ships d)gunpowder and cannons
taxes money collected by governments for using something
profit gain money by selling something for more than it was bought
reasons for exploring looking for trade and profit -Europeans could not produce everything they wanted - wanted to trade at a profit - Arab traders had control over trade routes to the east and they charged high taxes which made goods more expensive for Europeans so they wanted to buy goods at a cheaper price to make more profit so wanted to find trade routes that did not cross Arab land wanted to trade in silk, gold and silver, spices, spreading the Christian religion - they wanted to convert everyone to Christianity
why were maps inaccurate before Renaissance? the lands had not been explored sailors had had to stay close to land so they only saw land from eye-level - only when they had begun exploring that they realized the earth was round and this encouraged more explorers to explore invention of compass helped them sail further from the land too
why did Europeans need spices from the east? there were no fridges in those days and people used salt to stop their food going rotten - food was then very salty and not flavorsome spices like nutmeg, cloves, pepper and cinnamon could be used to stop food going rotten AND made the food taste better - spices did not grow in the cold climate of Europe but in tropical India and Malaysia
what were the three main items Europeans were looking to trade in from the East? Spices for preserving and adding flavor to their food gold and silver to make coins to be used in exchange instead of bartering silk which the Chinese had perfected making into beautiful clothes and rich Europeans like to wear silk clothes
Silk silkworms spin silk cocoons and the silk is then used to produce silk which is made into clothing
spreading Christianity late 1400's Christianity was only religion in Europe - European rulers were very religious and wanted to CONVERT everyone they wanted to spread their religion to other parts of the world European explorers believed it was their Christian duty to spread Chrisitanity
convert change
3 reasons why Europeans went on voyagers of exploration 1. to find trade routes that did not cross Arab land so that they could buy goods more cheaply as Arabs controlled all trade routes - Europeans could not produce everything they wanted so needed goods from elsewhere 2. curiosity about the world - because of the Renaissance Europeans were curious about the rest of the world - these ideas led to a change in the way Europe interacted with the rest of the world 3.spreading Christianity - European rulers were very religious and wanted to convert everyone to Chrisitanity
Portuguese explorers voyages were really expensive - explorers had to take enough food and drink on board to last the whole journey in case they didn't find anywhere safe to stop ships had to be properly equipped with cannonballs to protect the crew and cargo portuguese sailed West reach the east by sailing around Africa they eventually found spices in the east and gold in South east Africa
symbol of Christianity cross and Bible is the Holy Book of Christianity
european trade route to the east portuguese became very good sailors used inventions like the caravel and telescope to travel the seas and explore lands they didn't have much to trade with so were forced to pay with precious metals like gold their search for gold and a sea route to the East led the voyages around Africa
name two Portuguese explorers who sailed around the African coast Bartholomew Dias (1497-1498) Vasco da Gama (1487-1488)
Bartholomew Dias was a Portuguese explorer looked for a sea route to the East sailed around Africa ships landed in Mossel Bay in 1488 went ashore to collect fresh water first white men to set foot in South Africa people living in Mossel Bay were Khoi herders Khoi herders threw stones at them - Dias's men fired a crossbow and killed a Khoi Dias names the tip of Africa - the Cape of Good Hope Dias's crews were sick and exhausted so they turned and went back to Portugal
Vasco da Gama Portuguese explorer left Portugal in 1497 passed Mossel Bay and sailed into unknown waters landed at Christmas time and named the place Natal - means "Birth of Christ" in Portuguese 1498 arrived in Mombasa on coast of east Africa saw wealthy Arab and African traders
Vasco da Gama Vasco da Gama was excited to see Arab traders wearing linen and cotton clothes decorated with gold excited to see gold was being traded Portuguese did not have much to offering exchange for safe harbor and fresh water and food the Swahili were used to trading with India and China and saw the Portuguese as a threat to their trade route with the African kingdoms
Vasco da Gama da Gama arranged for a pilot to board his ship to show him the way to India - Ahmad Ibn Madjid he guided them all the way to Calicut in India Ahmad wrote and Encyclopaedia of the Sea in Arabic when da Gama returned to Portugal he was a hero because he had found a sea repute to India and had proven that there was gold in south-east Africa
Why was Vasco da Gama a hero when he returned to Portugal? because he had found a sea route to India and had proven that there was gold in south-east Africa
what did Vasco da Gama and Portuguese explorers set up in each new place they landed to claim the land for their Portuguese king? A PADRÃO - stone cross with the Portuguese coat of arms on it
Explain why Portuguese explorers set up a PADRÃO when they landed on an African shore They set them up in order to claim the land that they had landed on for their Portuguese king
The Dutch East India Company Holland is a country in Europe sometimes called the Netherlands People called the Dutch and speak Dutch Holland became powerful and rich in the 17th century (1600's) some rich men formed a company call ed the Dutch East India Company (VOC) (Vereenigde Oost-Indishe Compagnie)
VOC ships went on journeys - which ones? After 1600 Dutch began to compete with Portuguese for control over the sea route to the east By sailing with the west winds to India and Java and back on the south-east winds they only had to make one stop at South Africa
how the VOC took control VOC wanted to sail their ships around Africa to buy spices in the east and sell them for a profit in Europe However, Portuguese had control over the sea route and had set up trading ports along the african coast - the VOC attacked the Portuguese fleets and slowly took over most of the trading ports in Africa and the East not only did it trade but it controlled territories too
life of a VOC sailor on a ship life on a shop was hard separated from their families for a long time slept on open decks & got cold and wet did sleep much ate salted meat and fish, dried beans/peas and porridge ate in groups of 7 from one bowl water full of worms and insects - used a hot iron rod to kill the worms and insects
illness on board ships sailors often got sick and died from SCURVY disease from not eating enough vitamin C or fresh food makes your gums bleed and gums grow over teeth
what two reasons apart from spreading Christianity did Vasco da Gama have for exploring? honour and profit
what was the most important reason da Gama had for exploring? for profit as the Portuguese became very rich as a result of all the journeys
who was able to prove that the sun is at the centre of the solar system and that the Earth and planets revolve around the sun? Galileo
Who was an inventor, painter, sculptor and one of the greatest thinkers that ever lived? Leonardo da Vinci
Who was the first European to sail around the tip of Africa? Bartholomew Dias
the _________________ made it possible for sailors to take their ships further our into the open sea? the compass
Dutch trading company = VOC
what kind of ship is this? Arab ship called Dhows one or two masts sail the shape of a triangle LATEEN sail - early type of fore and aft sail fore and aft sails mean you can sail INTO the wind
saikors had better instruments to help them find their way early navigation was by keeping land in sight used sun, stars to work out where they were started using compass to work out where they were in relation to N,S,E,W early iron compasses sometimes gave inaccurate readings so ships sailed in wrong direction
traverse board if captain changed course he marked it on a pegged board was not an accurate way to record the ships route
log and line - this was used to measure the ships speed captain measure how far the ship sailed every day by throwing a piece of wood ties to a knotted rope into the sea sailors counted number of knots ship sailed away from in a certain time
quadrant - showed sailors how far the sun was above their heads - with this info they could work out how far north or south of the equator they were - only used during the day
time was able to be measured by means of sandglass /sand timer
what is this ship called? Caravel sails improved used better sailcloth made of cotton/linen ropes made of new materials and much stronger
life on a ship in 1400's main cabin only for captain and his officers all the cooking was done on deck sailors lived and slept on the open deck no matter the weather the ships doctor looked after sick or dirt sailors stores of food kept in bottom of boat - rats and maggots got into food cabin boys fed live animals blacksmith made and repaired metal/iron objects ships carpenter helped repair damage to ship cartographer made and read maps chef'cook and soldiers on board
Journeys of Dias and da Gama Dias sailed with 3 ships August 1487 Da Gama sailed with 4 ships July 1497 Da Gama stops at Cape Verde islands Dias sails close to African coast Da Gama sails far from land to avoid strong winds near coast Dias leaves one ship in Walvis Bay with supplies Da Gama stops at Mossel Bay - buys an ox from KhoiKhoi Dias get fresh water at Mossel Bay Dias sailors afraid so turn back Da Gama sees many Arab Dhows with trade goods Arab sailor shows Da Gama how to use MONSOON wind to sail to India Da Gama reaches India May 1498 and returns to Portugal
what kind of ship is this? Chinese Junk large ocean going ship many masts and many sails fore and aft sails meant junks could sail INTO the wind
a fast sailing ship = caravel
an instrument used to see the sun, moon and stars = telescope
a stone cross with the Portuguese coat of arms on it = Padrão
democracy = a system of government in a country where everyone can vote to elect the leaders
voting = showing which person or people you want to chose
government = the group of people in charge of a country
democratic elections = process through which all adult citizens have the right to vote
citizens = people of a country
South Africa and democracy for many years SA was not democratic most South Africans were not allowed to vote and didn't have many other rights 1994 - SA had its first democratic election - all adult citizens had the right to vote/choose who they wanted as leaders of the country
why can we say that a democracy is a government by the people and for the people a democracy is a system of government in a country where everyone can elect the leaders by the people refers to how ALL adult have the right to vote and to choose their leaders for the people refers to how the majority of the citizens of a country will chose the leader who they think will look after them and their country the best so it is for all the people
a political party a group of people who have similar ideas about how a country should be run each political party decide who their leaders will be
ballot paper = a page given to a voter on which to mark which party or person he or she is voting for
elections political parties work hard to get people to support them and their ideas they get elected to office in South Africa elections are held every 5 years results will be announced on TV, newspapers when all the ballot papers have been counted
South Africa up to 1994 National Party (NP) ruled the country and SA was not a democracy 19 million people voted in SA's first democratic election ANC won 63% of vote NP 20% IFP 11 % DP= democratic Party 2%
constitution = the laws that everyone in a country must obey
constitution most important laws of a country describes rights and responsibilities that people have states how South Africans must treat each other states how the government should work EVERYONE including the president must obey the laws of the constitution
rights in the constitution 1. everyone is equal before the law 2.everyone has the freedom of opinion, belief and religion 3.everyone is free to choose the work he or she wants to do 4. everyone has the right to a safe and healthy environment 5. everyone has a right to housing 6.everyone has a right to education 7. everyone has the right to live anywhere in the country
parliament = the branches of the government responsible for making the laws of the country
structure of the government LEGISLATURE Legislature= PARLIAMENT = make the laws to help run the country better and more fairly
structure of the government EXECUTIVE Executive = President, deputy president,cabinet (heads of various departments e.g. education, health) = responsible for running the country and making decisions using the laws of the country
structure of the government JUDICIARY Judiciary = the courts of the justice system = they make sure the country's laws are obeyed
Role of parliament Parliament - 2 houses National assembly National council of provinces
National assembly 350-400 members elected by people of the country political parties with more votes have more members of Parliament make the laws of South Africa
National Council of Provinces (NCOP) 90 members (10 per province) appointed by the province ensures that provinces are represented when laws are made for whole country
what are the responsibilities of parliament in government? parliament is part of the government that makes the country's laws parliament helps the country run better and more fairly
why can't the President and the cabinet members only have the responsibility of making the laws of a country? the laws of the country have to be fair and just for EVERYONE which means every political party needs to be involved in making the laws the national assembly has 350-400 members who have to approve the laws these members are elected by the people of the country so they will make laws to suit all the people in the country it stops corruption and inequality taking place
justice = what is fair/correct/right
justice system = the police and the courts of law where people are judged
justice sytem when people have disagreements or are suspected of a crime the justice system makes sure that they are treated fairly and equally in the APARTHEID years the justice system was not fair to everyone - people were beaten and killed because of what color they were people who disagreed with the government were not given a fair chance to defend themselves in court
equality under the law constitution in South Africa has laws to make sure everyone in the country is treated equally everyone's case must be heard court must treat everyone the same same laws apply to everyone- even the president
rights = the things that people are allowed to do or have
responsibilities = the things people are expected to do
rights and responsibilities in a democracy citizens have a lot of rights with these rights come responsibilities we must all do our part to keep everything fair and equal right to vote - responsibility to vote responsibly right to education - responsibility to go to school and not disrupt classes right to clean healthy environment - responsibility not to litter
constitutinal court the highest court in SA established in 1994 to protect the Constitution 11 judges headed by Chief Justice e.g. Pius Langa
children's rights and responsibilities Children's Charter = list of children's rights put forward by over 200 children in 1992 at an event called the International Summit on the Rights of Children in South Africa
children's rights and responsibilities 1. right to a decent home, clothing and healthy diet 2.the right to be protected from child labour 3. the right to be protected from all types of abuse and violence 4.the right to be free from discrimination- race, sex,language and religion 5.right to express ideas about what matters to him/her 6.right to practice religious belief without fear
responsibilities be kind and caring to others go to school work hard and do your best exercise and eat healthily be honest and fair try to solve an argument peacefully let others have their own beliefs and opinions protect animal and plant life keep homes/communities/schools clean obey rules and laws
unfair trade governments of poor countries can't provide services & skills training as don't collect enough money in taxes sometimes children are forced to work people do not develop skills farmers and mine workers get low wages poor people do not have enough money to pay for services such as education and health
fair trade working conditions are safe and healthy workers are paid fair wages traders pay a fair price for crops no children are allowed to work - they go to school traders make sure some money goes towards health care and education workers form companies so tat they have more control over prices and wages
South Africa we trade with North America Asia Europe Middle East Import - good bought from other countries e.g. oil, electrical goods, factory machines, medicines Export - goods sold to other countries e.g. Iron, gold, fruit, tourism, car parts
People knew very little about the world in a)1600 b)1800 c)1400 d)1700 1400
European explorers began to explore other parts of the world about a)200 yrs ago b)400 yrs ago c)600 yrs ago d)800 yrs ago 600 years ago
the heliocentrism model of the solar system was created before the renaissance true or false false
why was it so important for the europeans to trade with india wanted to find an alternative to salt which was used for preserving food so wanted spices which made the food taste better - there spices grew in India and Malaysia they were looking for silver and gold to make coins which were being used in exchanges instead of bartering they were looking to trade directly in silk as the rich people liked to wear silk clothes
label and name a typical Arabic ship arabic ship dhow one or two masts sail in shape of triangle early fore and aft sails
label and name a typical Chinese ship Chinese Junk ship fore and aft sails many masts and many sails large ocean going ships
where the turning point in the 15th and 16th centuries began? italy
a spice used for trade pepper
the model of the solar system that was created before the 15th century geocentric
children's rights decent home, clothing and healthy diet right to be protected from child labour right to be protected from all forms of violence and abuse right to be free from discrimination - race, sex, language, religion, disability right to practice religious beliefs without fear
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