Water On Land Flashcards


water on land flashcards
Fichas por kittyhenry, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por kittyhenry hace casi 10 años

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta Respuesta
4 types of erosion 1. abrasion 2. attrition 3. hydraulic action 4. solution
4 types of transportation 1.traction 2. saltation 3. suspension 4. solution
vertical erosion -this deepens the river valley, making it V-shaped. -upper course.
lateral erosion -this widens the river channel and valley. -lower course
long profile
cross profile
hard engineering man-made structures, built to control the flow of rivers and reduce flooding.
soft engineering schemes set up using knowledge of a river and its processes to reduce the effects of flooding.
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