Business - Unit 3


GCSE Computer Science Fichas sobre Business - Unit 3, creado por Katzz el 29/10/2014.
Fichas por Katzz, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por Katzz hace casi 10 años

Resumen del Recurso

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What is marketing? Identifying, satisfying and revisiting customer needs. (Such as researching the product before deciding on marketing mix)
How can a business anticipate customer needs? -Being polite - Working out customer needs - Making sure customers enjoy the experience - Making a good first impression
Why do businesses need to understand customer needs? - So they know what customers want - Know why customers would rather buy off a rival E.g. Amazon tracks what you buy and suggests similar items of products when you log on.
How can a business satisfy customer needs? - Make sure product is reliable/efficient - Product meets customer needs *This helps business be profitable
What is 'market research'? The collection and analysis of data and information to inform a business about its market. Can be qualitative or quantitative.
What is qualitative data? Gathering of non-statistical information that gives a company in-depth insight into the reasons for human behaviour (focus groups, observations, interviews)
What is quantitative research? Gathering of statistical data to inform the company about people's behaviour but doesn't identify reasons. (Surveys, observations, questionnaires)
What is primary research? Involves the collection of first hand data that didn't exist before. Original data.
What is secondary research? Research that's been undertaken by another organisation already.
What is product trial? Involves getting people to buy a product/service for the first time.
What is repeat purchase? Customers come back after their first purchase to buy the product again and again.
What is price matching? Brand X costs the same as brand Y - people won't switch brands to save money.
What is product development? Keeping customers informed of updates to a product - they'd want to upgrade to an improved version (softwares)
What is market-driven? Firms use market research to find out what people want, then make it - product is useful (MP3 player w/built-in radio)
What is product-driven? Firms design/invent a new product and try to sell it. - Product that nobody really wants is made (MP3 w/built-in toaster) Market-driven firms do better.
Advantages of having a good brand image to customers? - Easily recognized/liked by customers - Built up over many years for positive brand image - Increases sales - product trials/repeat purchases. It's chosen over rivals - HQ products - customers won't be loyal if product isn't good quality and bad brand image.
What is product differentiation? Making products distinctive in the market. These differences can make customers buy a certain product rather than rivals.
How can product differentiation be achieved? - Reliability - Good brand image - High quality products - Product fit for purpose - Unique features - Good design, low price - Attractive packaging
What would happen if a business didn't do product differentiation? * Customers think that the product is identical to rivals so there's no reason to buy theirs over others * Only reason that might attract customers = cheaper product but that means less profit.
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