2: Personal Self


(Social Psychology) Psychology Fichas sobre 2: Personal Self, creado por Cornelia C el 04/12/2018.
Cornelia C
Fichas por Cornelia C, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Cornelia C
Creado por Cornelia C hace casi 6 años

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta Respuesta
Consequences of differing levels of self-awareness. Describe the one self/many self erotic story experiment. Participants asked to think of a friend or relative, then read an erotic story. Those who had previously been thinking about their friend rated the story as more enjoyable than those who thought about a relative.
Define self-concept Your knowledge of who you are, your personal characteristics. Biographical information, personal characteristics, autobiographical memory.
Define self-esteem Your evaluation of yourself, the value you place on your characteristics individually and collectively.
Bem's self-perception theory We receive feedback on our behaviour from different sources and this provides knowledge about our self. 1) Self-perception 2) Emotional reactions 3) Reactions of others
Define cognitive dissonance Tension produced by holding two contradictory ideas. People are motivated to reduce dissonance (ex: Buyer's remorse).
Methods of Reducing cognitive dissonance 1) Negate dissonant cognitions 2) Add new consonant cognitions 3) Reduce importance of dissonant cognitions 4) Increase importance of consonant cognitions
Describe the principles of self-discrepancythory Standpoints of self: own/other Domains of self: actual/ideal/ought. Negative consequences associated with domain/standpoint discrepancies.
Define the social comparison theory Comparing oneself to external markers (often people) to evaluate one's opinions, abilities, and value. (upward/downward social comparisons). As gap between self and specific other decreases, tendency to make a comparison decreases.
Give the potential protection mechanisms associated with self-esteem 1) Escape/avoidance: easiest way to reduce threat is to escape or avoid the situation that produces it. 2) Self-serving bias: tendency to attribute failures to situational factors, but successes to disposition.
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