6. Corporate transformation


Fichas sobre 6. Corporate transformation, creado por Nils von der Heide el 08/12/2018.
Nils von der Heide
Fichas por Nils von der Heide, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Nils von der Heide
Creado por Nils von der Heide hace casi 6 años

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta Respuesta
Name the three decades in the "business focused eras" and explain the main idea shortly! - Decentralization (1950): separate strategic and operational Management - Diversification (1960): Determine successful diversification strategies - Portfolio (1970): balancing overall portfolio of company
Name the three decades in the "corporate focused eras" and explain the main idea shortly! - Value (1980): emphasis on shareholder value - Focus (1990): Core competencies as driver of strategy - Parenting (2000): define role of corporate parent fit to diversification strategy
Name the one decade of the "globalization focused era" and tell the issues and main ideas of it! Growth (2010): Issues: Extra ordinary growth potential because of liberalization and digitalization Main Idea: Firm specific advantages to be managed across national borders
What are the two questions Penrose asks in the theory of the growth of a firm? - what limits growth? - what determines the optimal growth rate?
How is the maximum growth rate of a firm limited? - becomes function of max growth rate of management capacity - is path dependent on experience
What are the characteristics of the optimal growth rate of Buckley & Casson? - size doesn't matter - determined internally - expected continuous growth
What is the reality in the firm growth and performance according to Buckley & Casson? firm growth is highly discontinuous, just 5% are continuous
How does Greiner understand firm growth and how does he differ firms? As a sequence of evolution and revolution! Differentiation of industries (high-growth, medium-growth, low-growth)
Name the Evolution (growth) and Revolution (crisis) stages for Greiners 5 phases! - Phase 1: E: Creativity, R: Leadership - Phase 2: E: Direction, R: Autonomy - Phase 3: E: Delegation, R: Control - Phase 4: E: Coordination, R: Red tape - Phase 5: E: Collaboration, R: ?
How can Single Division Single Nation Enterprises grow and where do they want to end up? Through corporate strategies (invest, divest, structural adjustments) They want to get a Multi Division Multi Nation Enterprises. -> grow in product and region areas.
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Elementos Básicos de Ingeniería Ambiental
Evilus Rada
Nivel de Inglés
Diego Santos
Les Participes Passés.
Examen de Lengua Castellana de Selectividad
maya velasquez
Lidia Irene Barzana R
Campos o áreas de la psicología
Melina Contreras
Prehistoria de la humanidad.
Katherine Forero
Las Alteraciones
mariajesus camino
estrellas del cielo en la tierra