9: Interpersonal Attraction


(Social Psychology) Psychology Fichas sobre 9: Interpersonal Attraction, creado por Cornelia C el 09/12/2018.
Cornelia C
Fichas por Cornelia C, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Cornelia C
Creado por Cornelia C hace casi 6 años

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta Respuesta
Describe Primacy effects on impression formation We put greater emphasis on early pieces of information we discover about a person —> Primacy effect. First impressions count.
Describe the Halo effect A person who is good at X is perceived to be good at Y, even if X and Y are unrelated.
Describe qualities we look for in friends 1) Competency: we are attracted to quite competent people 2) Closeness: close interactions increase feelings of control, familiarity, belonging. Close interaction increases strength of feeling, positive or negative. 3) Similarity: tend to like people who are similar to ourselves. Similar people make us feel validated by agreeing with our beliefs and attitudes. 4) Rewards: We like people who reward our attraction (by being aesthetically pleasing, cooperating, liking and praising us, validating beliefs, etc). Exchange and Communal relationships.
Describe the matching hypothesis People are more likely to form long-term relationships with a person who is of a similar level of physical attractiveness to themselves.
Describe evolutionary interpretations of what men and women want in a partner Women: reproductive success increased by mate who delivers food, shelter, and protection. (ability to invest, willingness to invest, physical protection) Men: reproductive success increased by mate who produces lots of offspring. (paternity uncertainty, high fertility needed)
Describe sex differences in receptivity to sexual offers “Hi, I’ve noticed you around. I find you very attractive. Would you go to bed with me?” Percentage of participants saying “yes”: Men = 75% Women = 0%
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