1452 Coup


1452 Coup Flashcards
Tom Laws
Fichas por Tom Laws, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Tom Laws
Creado por Tom Laws hace casi 6 años

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta Respuesta
What did Richard Duke of York swear in 1452 An Oath of Allegiance
Why did York dislike Somerset so much in 1452 -York saw Somerset as responsible for his losses in France -York wanted to be Chief Advisor, Somerset given this position despite York being superior Noble
1)What did York do to rally support? 2)What was a disadvantage of this? 1)He wrote many open letters, some of which were addressed to whole towns (e.g. Shrewsbury) 2) The king knew all of his moves- York lost his element of surprised by the time he got to London, King knew he was coming
What was the date of the fight at Dartford? 2nd March 1452
Who were the 2 main nobles facing off at Dartford? York and Somerset
Who was Yorks only major supporter? -Thomas de Courteney- Earl of Devon
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