Theories of Culture and Identity


Perspective of Culture and Identity from: •Functionalism •Marxism •Neo-marxism •Interactionism •Postmodernism .
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what is functionalism? a structuralist theory which assumes society is based on consensus
What did Durkheim [1858-1917] suggest about culture as a system? *believed society and culture were more important than the individual. *based on society existed before the individual is born into it and continues after death. *societes are characterised by social order. *Peoples behaviour is generally patterned and predictable. *Individuals agreed on shared norms and values *THEREFORE culture is the cement that bonds people togeth in society and allows successful human relationships
What did Durkheim suggest about culture in pre-industrial societies? *the functions of social institutions was to socialise individuals into the shared culture of society. *agents of socialisation were extremely powerful cultural influences on individual behaviour. *Individuals identity was secondary to cultural conformity. *Societies showed high levels of social solidarity and a strong sense kf belonging.
what does Durkheim suggest about culture in modern societies? *industrialisation and urbanisation have the potential to undermine value consensus and cultural conformity due to the experience of more choice in beliefs and actions. *As a result we become less like each other, which is potentially disruptive as people get confused on what they should live by and could come into conflict with each other. -ANOMIE
How does the specialised division of labour effect culture? [Durkheim] *Social order would still be maintained in a weak form due to social institutions continuing to socialiee people into a shared culture. *people should be prepared to take their place in the specialised division of labour *SDL reinforces social order as a result in people being dependent on one another fro societys survival and continuation.
what does specialised division of labour mean? the way the economy organises work into specialist jobs
What does Parsons [1902-1979] say about the role of socialisation? *ensures that most people internalise values from the cultural system and operate according to them when perfoming their social roles *The expectations reflect the key values of the cultural system. *behaviour is powerfully shaped by the impact of the cultural system. *Individuals behave as if programmed to perfom to the funtional requirements of particular roles.
How does Parsons see the family in socialisation? *family is a personality factory moulding and shaping human identity according to one common cultural pattern. *the function of the parents is to train and mould the passive child into the image of society
what do functionalist say about education? an essential part of secondary socialisation because education transmits shared cultural values, thus producing conformity and consensus
What did Durkheim say about Education and society? believed that subjects such as History, English and RE link the individual to society, past and present by encouraging a sense of pride in the historical and religious achievements of their nation, which reinforces their sense of belonging to society
What does Durkheim suggest about Religion effecting socialisation? invests certain values with a sacred quality by infusing them with religious symbolism and special significance. These values consequently become ‘moral codes’. These codes regulate our social behaviour with regards to crime, sexual behaviour and obligation to others
What are Moral Codes? beliefs that society agrees to revere and socialise children into.
How do Functionalists individuals effected by society? [Summary] People as social beings are no more than the values, beliefs and expectations that operate in the social systems of which they are parts.
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