Population Distribution


Balanced Diet, Birth Rate, Bustee, Core Region, Crop Rotation, Cycle, Death Rate, Decline, Demographer, Demographic Transition Model, Developing World, Dweller, Family Planning, Fluctuate, Global, Impact, Irrigation, Periphery, Rapid, Sanitation, Selective Breeding
Riona Stevenson
Fichas por Riona Stevenson, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Riona Stevenson
Creado por Riona Stevenson hace más de 5 años

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta Respuesta
Balanced diet A combination of foods from each of the different food groups that gives the body the correct amount of the nutrients it needs
Birth rate The number of babies born per 1,000 of the total population in one year
Bustee Poor living area found in Culcatta; also called a shanty town
Core region Centre of economic power
Crop rotation The practice of changing the type of crop grown in an area from year to year
Cycle A series of events repeated in the same order
Death rate The number of deaths per 1,000 of the population from year to year
Decline A downward or reducing movement
Demographer A person who studies population change and structure
Demographic transition model Theory linking population changes to developments in the economy, education and health care; also called population cycle
Developing world Poor countries with fewer services and low living standards, also known as the South or Third World countries
Dweller A person who inhabits a particular place
Family planning The practicing of controlling the number of children in a family and the intervals between their births
Fluctuate To rise and fall irregularly in a number or amount
Global Of or relating to the whole world; worldwide
Impact The influence or effect that something has
Irrigation The artificial watering of land
Periphery The outer limits or edge of an area or object
Rapid Happening in a short amount of time at a great rate
Sanitation Conditions relating to public health and the provision of clean drinking water and adequate sewage disposal
Selective breeding The process of breeding plants and animals for particular genetic traits
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Population distribution in the UK + India
Presentaciones en Inglés
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Teoria de la Empresa: Produccion y Costos
Ani Kimori Rosas
Inglés - Verbos Compuestos I (Phrasal Verbs)
Virginia León
Métodos anticonceptivos
Sara Donado
LEY 1/2000 ENJUICIAMIENTO CIVIL: "De los procesos sobre filiación, paternidad y maternidad"
Miguel Angel del Rio
Enlaces Químicos
Camila Barbosa
Iniciar sesión
maria jose
Ismael Hernández
Mapas conceptuales
Eve Contreras
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