
Fichas sobre TENSES, creado por citlaly romero el 20/11/2014.
citlaly romero
Fichas por citlaly romero, actualizado hace más de 1 año
citlaly romero
Creado por citlaly romero hace casi 10 años

Resumen del Recurso

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VERB TOBE (present and past) It is used with: 1.-names 2.- births 3.-ages 4.- marital status 5.- nationalities 6.- addressess 7.-professions 8.- descriptions 9.- emotions (feelings) 10.- locations
PRESENT CONTINUOUS we used it to talk about: 1.- actions happenning in the moment 2.- temporary activities 3.- future arregments TIME EXPRESSIONS: *On mondays, on fridays, on weekends *From Mondays to Fridays *Once a week. twice a week, three times *In the mornings, in the afternoons *At midday, at midnight *Once in a while
PAST CONTINUOUS we use it to talk about: 1.- backgrounds events 2.- temporary past actions 3.-interrupted actions TIME EXPRESSIONS: *On mondays, on fridays, on weekends *From Mondays to Fridays *Once a week. twice a week, three times *In the mornings, in the afternoons *At midday, at midnight *Once in a while
we used it to talk about: 1.- habits, costumbs and routines 2.-- facts and general true 3- feeling and opinions FREQUENCY ADVERBS: *Always *Almost always *Often *Frequently *Normally *Usually *Sometimes *Rarely *Seldom *Almost never *Never TIME EXPRESSIONS: *On mondays, on fridays, on weekends *From Mondays to Fridays *Once a week. twice a week, three times *In the mornings, in the afternoons *At midday, at midnight *Once in a while
It is used to talk about: 1.-completed situations in the past 2.-past habits that is not longer true 3.- a past state that has changed 4.- a single action in the past TIME EXPRESSIONS: *On mondays, on fridays, on weekends *From Mondays to Fridays *Once a week. twice a week, three times *In the mornings, in the afternoons *At midday, at midnight *Once in a while
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We used it to talk about: 1.-future planes and arrangements when the time has been decided. 2.- fixed future planes both are correct, however PRESENT CONTINUOUS is more natural. TIME EXPRESSIONS: *On mondays, on fridays, on weekends *From Monday to Friday *Once a week. twice a week, three times *In the mornings, in the afternoons *At midday, at midnight *Once in a while
FUTURE WITH " WILL", " GOING TO" ", "MAY AND MIGTH" 1.- We use "Will" to talk about future predictions based on a personal view point. 2.-we can use " Going to" to talk about future intentions . 3.- we use "Going to" to talk about a future predictions based on strong evidence. 4.- we can use "Might/ Mightn't" to talk about possible future events. TIME EXPRESSIONS: *On mondays, on fridays, on weekends *From Mondays to Fridays *Once a week. twice a week, three times *In the mornings, in the afternoons *At midday, at midnight *Once in a while
PRESENT PERFECT It is used to talk about: 1.- action that happened on an indefinite unespecified time in the past.the action is more important that the time it happended 2.- a situation that started in the past and continuous in the present when you using in the state 3.- repeated action in the indefinite past 4.-to emphasize that an action finished at an indefinite time in the past 5.- action not done in the past but the intention to do it in the future exists QUESTION WORDS *How long? *How many? TIME EXPRESSIONS: *On mondays, on fridays, on weekends *From Mondays to Fridays *Once a week. twice a week, three times *In the mornings, in the afternoons *At midday, at midnight *Once in a while
PRESENT PERFECT CONTINUOUS we used to talk about: 1.- an action or activity that started in the past and continuous in the present 2.- a reason activity when the activity is more important to result 3.-to express an action that began the past and is still continuing TIME EXPRESSIONS: *On mondays, on fridays, on weekends *From Mondays to Fridays *Once a week. twice a week, three times *In the mornings, in the afternoons *At midday, at midnight *Once in a while
PAST PERFECT we used it to talk about: 1.- a completed action that happened before another action in the past
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