Datatypes and Variables


A Level (F452) Computing Fichas sobre Datatypes and Variables, creado por Molly Hills el 25/11/2014.
Molly Hills
Fichas por Molly Hills, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Molly Hills
Creado por Molly Hills hace alrededor de 10 años

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta Respuesta
Definition of a Variable A Variable is a placeholder to store a single item of data in memory. It is given a specific datatype and identifier (Name)
Three examples of a 'Character' A @ '3' - (In quotes)
What is a String? When characters are put together to form words
What is a Float? A datatype used with Decimals e.g. 3.123 or 234.4
What is used when there are more demcial places for a Float? A Double e.g. 3.4u83487489478
Two example of a Boolean result? True False
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