SCIA 370 Chapter 4


Test 1 Chapters 1-5
Tyler Rock
Fichas por Tyler Rock, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Tyler Rock
Creado por Tyler Rock hace más de 5 años

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Pregunta Respuesta
Though there are many ways to group security policies, a common method is to organize common risks and related policy issues into__________________ that share similarities but are distinctive enough to allow logical separation into more manageable secure areas. A. segmented networks B. system access policies C. domains D. workstations C. domains
There are several types of domains in the IT infrastructure. Which of the following is not one of these domains? A. user B. workstation C. remote access D. VPN D. VPN
The _______________ domain refers to any endpoint device used by end users, which includes but is not limited to mean any smart device in the end user’s physical possession and any device accessed by the end user, such as a smartphone, laptop, workstation, or mobile device A. workstation B. user C. remote access D. system/application A. workstation
A(n) ___________________ sets expectations on the use and security of mobile devices, whereas a(n) _________________ establishes a broad set of rules for approved conduct when a user accesses information on company-owned devices. A. acceptable use policy, system access policy B. corporate mobility policy, acceptable use policy C. system access policy, social networking policy D. social networking policy, acceptable use policy B. corporate mobility policy, acceptable use policy
A key component to IT security is authorization, which is especially important in large, complex organizations with thousands of employees and hundreds of systems. Two methods of authorization are role based access control (RBAC) and attribute based access control (ABAC). Although RBAC and ABAC can provide the same access, which of the following is an advantage of ABAC? A. In ABAC, roles are expressed more in business terms and thus may be more understandable. B. An organization can implement ABAC much faster than RBAC. C. In an ABAC model, the roles are static and thus more sustainable. D. ABAC requires an application to use a central rules engineer at run time. A. In ABAC, roles are expressed more in business terms and thus may be more understandable.
Authentication of a workstation and encryption of wireless traffic are issues that belong to which of the following two domains? A. LAN and WAN B. workstation and LAN C. LAN-WAN and remote access D. workstation and WAN B. workstation and LAN
One of the key functionalities of a central management system is inventory management, which does which of the following? A. his system ensures that current patches are installed on devices. B. This system detects software that is installed on a device. C. This system tracks devices as they connect to the LAN, which devices are on the network, and how often they connect to the LAN. D. This system provides support to end users through a help desk. C. This system tracks devices as they connect to the LAN, which devices are on the network, and how often they connect to the LAN.
Which of the following is not one of the common network devices found on the LAN domain? A. flat network B. switch C. router D. firewall A. flat network
Using switches, routers, internal firewalls, and other devices, you can restrict network traffic with a ____________________, which limits what and how computers are able to talk to each other. A. demilitarized zone B. flat network C. sniffer D. segmented network D. segmented network
Remote authentication has always been a concern because the person is coming from a public network, and many companies require two-factor authentication for remote access. Which of the following is not one of the most commonly accepted types of credentials? A. something you know B. something you have C. something you are D. something you want to know D. something you want to know
______________________ can run on a workstation or server and is at the heart of all business applications. A. System software B. Application software C. System access policies D. Help desk management B. Application software
In an LAN domain, a_______________ is similar to a hub but can filter traffic, a ______________ connects LANs, or a LAN and a WAN, and a ______________ is a software or hardware device that filters traffic in and out of a LAN. A. switch, router, firewall B. router, switch, firewall C. firewall, router, switch D. switch, firewall, router A. switch, router, firewall
In recent years, ___________________ has emerged as major technology. It provides a way of buying software, infrastructure, and platform services on someone else’s network. A. remote access domain B. social networking C. cloud computing D. web graffiti C. cloud computing
An efficient organization requires the proper alignment of people, processes, and technology. One of the ways good security policies can mitigate this risk is through enforcement. Which of the following situations is an example of enforcement? A. an employee completes a one-day orientation on security policies B. an employee is given the authority to request a wire transfer, and a manager is required to approve the transfer C. an employee is given a commendation for a successfully complying with polices in an annual review D. an employee is required to submit weekly project updates to a manager B. an employee is given the authority to request a wire transfer, and a manager is required to approve the transfer
Many organizations have a(n) _____________ policy in place to manage the business concern of how to handle sensitive information in physical form, such as reports. This policy generally requires employees to lock up all documents and digital media at the end of a workday and when not in use A. acceptable use B. data security C. clean desk D. privacy C. clean desk
_______________ is a measurement that quantifies how much information can be transmitted over the network. A. Memory B. DMZ C. Cloud storage D. Bandwidth D. Bandwidth
Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) is a current trend within many organizations, which raises a host of security policy questions that must be addressed for handheld device use. Which of the following is not one the questions? A. What is a reason the person owns the device? B. Who has the right to wipe the device if it’s lost or stolen? C. How do you encrypt data on the device? D. Who’s allowed to have a BYOD device connected to the company network? A. What is a reason the person owns the device?
The concept of _________________ comes from the acknowledgment that data changes form and often gets copied, moved, and stored in many places. Sensitive data often leaves the protection of application databases and ends up in e-mails, spreadsheets, and personal workstation files. A. file transfer protocol B. patch management C. data loss protection D. security management C. data loss protection
In order to move data from an unsecure WAN to a secure LAN, you typically begin by segmenting a piece of your LAN into a _________________________, which sits on the outside of your private network facing the public Internet. Servers in this area provide public-facing access to the organization, such as public Web sites. A. demilitarized zone (DMZ) B. virtual private network (VPN) C. remote access domain D. botnet A. demilitarized zone (DMZ)
A typical data leakage protection program provides several layers of defense to prevent confidential data from leaving the organization. Which of the following is not one of the layers of defense? A. inventory B. perimeter C. device management D. self-regulation D. self-regulation
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