african American --> new deal


A level History Fichas sobre african American --> new deal , creado por Seyi Ogunbusola el 23/04/2019.
Seyi Ogunbusola
Fichas por Seyi Ogunbusola, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Seyi Ogunbusola
Creado por Seyi Ogunbusola hace casi 6 años

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta Respuesta
Economic positive 1.African Americans benefited from poor relief and job creation projects. 1. Appointment of Robert Reaver led to grants of $45 million to build schools, hospitals and homes for AA 3.Employment training was also provided by national youth administration
Economic negative 2.many poor sharecroppers could not pay rent 2.when federal programme paid farmers for not producing crops, often no money was paid directly to poorer african American tenants 3. Wagner act acted against the interests of African Americans. merely causal workers, not member of unions
Social postivie: change in atmosphere toward civil rights: 1.Eleanor Roosevelt supported african american organisations, and openly disapproved of segregation 2. the NAACP grew in membership in the late 1930's
Social negative 1.Segregation remained prevelant in most institutions and in the armed forced throughout the second world war 2. Labour camps were segregated, work offered was not the same. AA received the worst and most poorly paid work 3.Federal projects e.g Tennessee river damn, were segregated to avoid racial tensions
Political negative 1.Roosevelt did not increase AA voting rights, to appease southern congressmen
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