ARTH 1100 A


Roman Art Early Christian and Jewish Art Byzantine Art Islamic Art Early Medieval Art Romanesque Gothic 14th Century Italian Art
Fichas por hannah.m.14, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por hannah.m.14 hace casi 10 años

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6-19. Augustus of Primaporta Roman Art Early Empire -Idealization of the emperor, to be remembered by his people (Form of IDEALISM) -Was a use of propaganda to express authority, power -Captured him in his youth -Face is rendered -Celebrates his accomplishments - Cupid rides along on his leg, reference of his family -Represets peace and prosperity within Rome
6-36. The Arch of Titus Roman Art Early Empire -Domitian took throne he commissioned arch to honour the capture of Jerusalem -Formal victory celebration - Made of concrete and marble -Free standing gateway -emperor bronze statue of 4 horse chariot -Titus' capture of jerusalem ended fierce campaign to crush a revolt of the jews in Palestine -relief on inside wall capturing drama, depicts soldiers flaunting their booty as they carry it through the streets of Rome -spatial relationships among figures by varying the depth of the relief to render nearer elements in higher reliefs the than those more distant -menorah dominates the scene, rendered from the low point of view of a spectator at the event
6-39. Colosseum Roman Art Early Empire - Large Arena -Completed under Titus -Called Colosseum because statue of Nero called the Colossus -Oval shape 159 feet high -can seat 50,000 people -Floor was laid over foundation of service rooms and tunnels that provided an area for the athletes, performers, animals fights, gladiators -Perfect sight lines, and effective crown control because of the 76 entrances around the arena -Barrel vaulted access corridors and entrance tunnels, and standing area at the top -each level used different architectural order (increased complexity from bottom to top) Tuscan order: Ground level Ionic: Second level Corinthian: Third level Corinthian pilasters: fourth level -Post and lintel decoration to arched structures was an Etruscan innovation
Column of Trajan Roman Art High Imperial Era -Spiral piece of propaganda -Portrays Trajan as powerful, strong, stable and efficient commander of a well- run army -Barbarians are seen as worthy opponents of Rome -625 feet tall of spiral story
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