

Physics Fichas sobre Measurement, creado por dhanijain el 26/08/2013.
Fichas por dhanijain, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por dhanijain hace más de 11 años

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta Respuesta
Pitch of Vernier Callipers The smallest value of length or any other unit, which can be read directly from the main scale accurately
Least Count Of Vernier Callipers The difference between one main scale division and one vernier scale division.
Zero Error of Vernier Callipers If the zero error of the main scale and the vernier scale do not coincide, when the external jaws of vernier are closed then the vernier is said to have zero error.
Positive Zero Error Of Vernier Callipers If the zero of vernier is on the right hand side of zero of main scale, the error is said to be positive zero error
Negative Zero Error of Vernier Callipers If the zero of vernier is on the left hand side of the zero on the main scale
Pitch Of Screw Gauge The distance travelled by the tip of the screw , on the main scale when its head is given one complete turn.
Least Count Of Screw Gauge the smallest distance moved, when the screw is turned through one division marked on its circular scale.
Zero Error Of Screw Gauge If the reference line of the main scale does not coincide with zero of the circular scale.
Positive Zero Error of Screw Gauge If the zero line, marked on circular scale, is below the reference line on the main scale.
Negative Zero Error of Screw Gauge If the zero line, marked on circular scale, is above the reference line on the main scale.
Simple Pendulum A heavy particle, suspended by a weightless inextensible string, and oscillating freely without friction about a point, to which upper end of string is fixed.
Oscillation One complete to and fro motion of pendulum.
Time Period The time taken by a pendulum to complete one oscillation.
Frequency of Oscillation The number of oscillations made by and oscillating pendulum in one second.
Amplitude The maximum displacement of pendulum from its mean position.
Second's Pendulum A pendulum, which has a time period of 2 seconds.
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