Histology Practical 2


Histology Fichas sobre Histology Practical 2, creado por Hussain Basheer el 20/05/2019.
Hussain Basheer
Fichas por Hussain Basheer, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Hussain Basheer
Creado por Hussain Basheer hace más de 5 años

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta Respuesta
Enter text here... Smooth Muscle Tissue - H.E
Enter text here... Peripheral Blood Smear - Giemsa
Enter text here... Skeletal Striated Muscle Tissue -H.E
Enter text here... Cardiac Striated Muscle Tissue - H.E
Enter text here... Multi-Polar Neurons - Silver Impregnation (AgNO3)
Pear-Like Neurons - Silver Impregnation (AgNO3)
Pyramidal Neurons Silver Impregnation (AgNO3)
Myelinated Nerve Fibers (OsO4)
Fibrous Astrocytes - AuCl2
Oocyte - H.E
Spermatozoa Smear - H.E
Umbilical Cord - H.E
Placental Villi - H.E
Blood Platelets
Smooth Muscle Cell
Intercalated Disc
Enter text here... Oocyte
Enter text here... Spermatozoon
Enter text here... Nerve Fibres-Transverse Section
Enter text here... Myoneural Synapse
Enter text here... Cardiomyocyte-Myofibril
Enter text here... MyoFibril
Enter text here... Lymphocyte
Enter text here... Neutrophil
Enter text here... Eosinophil
Enter text here... Human Embryo With Preserved Sack
Enter text here... Chicken Embryo 72 Hours
Enter text here... Chicken Embryo 24 Hours
Enter text here... FibroBlast
Enter text here... Osteoclast of Human Bone
Enter text here... Plasma Cell
Enter text here... Multi-locular Adipocyte
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