Creado por libbyguillamon
hace alrededor de 10 años
Pregunta | Respuesta |
conscience | an inner voice or feeling giving guidance on the rightness or wrongness of behaviour |
free will | the belief that god created humans with the ability to make moral choices |
golden rule | jesus' teaching the people that they should treat others as they wish to be treated themselves |
job | biblical character whose faith is tested |
moral evil | evil and suffering caused by people |
natural evil | evil and suffering caused by natural events such as earthquakes |
omnipotent | powerful, able to do anything |
omniscient | all- knowing |
original sin | the sin which was brought into the world at the fall and which christianity teaches everyone is born with |
redemption | the idea that sins can be forgiven and person can be redeemed. jesus is often referred to by christians as the redeemer as he died for the sins of the whole world |
sacrifice | giving up a life for god |
the devil/ satan | a supernatural evil power |
the fall | the disobedience of adam and eve resulting in their expulsion from eden |
theodicies | arguments justifying why there is evil in the world if god is good |
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