Physics - Momentum and collisions


Fichas sobre Physics - Momentum and collisions, creado por milzylfc el 06/01/2015.
Fichas por milzylfc, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por milzylfc hace más de 9 años

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta Respuesta
MOMENTUM AND COLLISIONS Q - What is the formula for momentum? - Momentum = Mass x Velocity - Momentum (kgm/s) - Mass (kg) - Velocity (m/s)
MOMENTUM AND COLLISIONS Q - If an object has a greater mass and a greater velocity, will there be more or less momentum? - The object will have more momentum
MOMENTUM AND COLLISIONS Q - Forces cause changes in momentum... - When a force acts on an object, it causes a change in momentum
MOMENTUM AND COLLISIONS Q - Why do cars have safety features? - Cars have safety features to slow people down over a longer period of time when they have a crash, the longer it takes for a change in momentum, the smaller the force
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