Metals and Their Uses FLASHCARDS


These flashcards are based off the knowledge in my Metals and their Uses mindmap
Tim Parker
Fichas por Tim Parker, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Tim Parker
Creado por Tim Parker hace más de 9 años

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta Respuesta
Why is Pure Iron too soft Atoms are arranged so that the layers slide
How is steel made By removing carbon from molten iron
Property of Stainless Steel Resistant to corrosion
Property of High Carbon Steel Hard
Property of Low Carbon Steel Easily Bent
Pure copper, iron, gold and aluminium are too ___ for many uses. Soft
Is an alloy harder or softer than pure metal? Harder
What properties do TRANSITION METALS have in common? - Malleable (Can be hammered or bent into any shape) - They are metals - They are good conductors of heat and electricity
What is an ore? A rock containing a metal
Why is gold found as itself? Because it is too unreactive to extract
How are metals produced? When metal oxides have their oxygen removed.
Metals ABOVE carbon in the reactivity series have to be extracted by what method? Electrolysis
Metals BELOW carbon on the reactivity series are extracted by how? By adding carbon
Reaction in which oxygen is removed is called? Reduction Reactions
What term is the same as 'High Concentration of Copper Compounds'? Copper-Rich
How to extract from Copper-Rich ores? Smelting (Heating in a furnace)
What research are scientists doing to do with copper? Trying to find 'low grade ores' to extract copper without damaging the environment
What is PHYTOMINING When plants absorb copper compounds through their roots, then are burnt to produce ash that contains copper compounds
What is BIOLEACHING Where some bacteria absorb copper compounds, then produce solutions called leachates which contain copper compounds
Properties of Copper? - Soft -Easily bent - Good conductor of electricity - Good for wiring
What is copper good for? - Plumbing, pipes and tanks because it does not react with water and is a good conductor of heat - Wiring because it is a good conductor of electricity
Why should we recycle Aluminium? Less energy is needed to produce recycled aluminium than to extract it from its ore. Less damage to the environment
What is aluminium used for? -Aircraft -Trains -Overhead power cables -Saucepans -Cooking Foil
What is titanium good for? -Fighter aircraft -Artificial hip joints -Pipes in nuclear power stations
Is Aluminium Low Density, or High Density Low Density (It is lightweight for its size)
Why does Aluminium and Titanium resist corrosion? They have a very thing layer of their OXIDE on the surface, which stops air and water getting to the metal.
Why is Aluminium and Titanium expensive to extract? -It cannot be extracted by reduction with carbon -The processes have many stages -Large amounts of energy needed
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