Greece Geometric Archaic


1 History of Art I Fichas sobre Greece Geometric Archaic, creado por Alex Papoutsas el 14/07/2019.
Alex Papoutsas
Fichas por Alex Papoutsas, actualizado hace 12 meses
Alex Papoutsas
Creado por Alex Papoutsas hace más de 5 años

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta Respuesta
Geometric krater, from the Dipylon cemetery, Athens, Greece, ca. 740 bce
Hero and centaur (Herakles and Nessos?), from Olympia(?), Greece, ca. 750–730 bce. Bronze,
Mantiklos Apollo, statuette of a youth dedicated by Mantiklos to Apollo, from Thebes, Greece, ca. 700–680 bce. Bronze
Lady of Auxerre, from Crete, probably Eleutherna, Greece, ca. 650–625 BCE. Limestone.
Corinthian black-figure amphora with animal friezes, from Rhodes, Greece, ca. 625–600 BCE.
Kouros, from Attica, possibly Anavysos, Greece, ca. 600 bce. Marble
Calf bearer, dedicated by Rhonbos on the Acropolis, Athens, Greece, ca. 560 BCE, Marble
Kroisos, from Anavysos, Greece, ca. 530 bce. Marble
Peplos Kore, from the Acropolis, Athens, Greece, ca. 530 BCE. Marble.
Kore in Ionian dress, from the Acropolis, Athens, Greece, ca. 520–510 bce. Marble
Temple of Hera I, Paestum, Italy, ca. 550 BCE
West pediment, Temple of Artemis, Corfu, Greece, ca. 600–580 BCE. Limestone
Kleitias and Ergotimos, François Vase (Athenian black-figure volute krater), from Chiusi, Italy, ca. 570 BCE
Exekias, Achilles and Ajax playing a dice game (Athenian black-figure amphora), from Vulci, Italy, ca. 540–530 BCE
Achilles killing Penthesilea (Athenian black-figure amphora), from Vulci, Italy, ca. 540–530 bce
Lysippides Painter, Achilles and Ajax playing a dice game (black-figure side of an Athenian bilingual amphora), from Orvieto, Italy, ca. 525–520 BCE
Andokides Painter, Achilles and Ajax playing a dice game (red-figure side of an Athenian bilingual amphora), from Orvieto, Italy, ca. 525–520 BCE.
Euphronios, Herakles wrestling Antaios (detail of an Athenian red-figure calyx krater), from Cerveteri, Italy, ca. 510 bce. Krater
Euthymides, three revelers (Athenian red-figure amphora), from Vulci, Italy, ca. 510 BCE
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