Accounting- Presentation of financial situations


General requirements
so liu
Fichas por so liu, actualizado hace más de 1 año
so liu
Creado por so liu hace casi 10 años

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta Respuesta
Fair presentation requires that the financial statements present fairly the financial position, financial performance and cash flows of the entity
Compliance with IFRS it has to be stated in the notes explicitly if the financial statements of an entity comply with IFRS
Going concern financial statement prepared on a going concern basis ( = assumption that the company will continue operating in the next 1-2 years)
Accrual basis of accounting excluding the cash flow statement, all other components of financial statements must be prepared on accrual basis (assets & liabilities recognized when they are receivable/payable, not when the cash is received/paid)
Consistency of presentation entities required to retain their presentation and classification of items in successive period unless an alternative would be more appropriate or if so required by a new or amended standard
Materiality an entity shall present separately each material class of similar items (cars/machines/buildings)
Offsetting assets, liabilities, income and expenses can't be offset against each other unless required or permitted by an IFRS (all recorded and show in the statements, not only profit...)
Comparative information providing comparative information from the previous period and in case the standards have changed preparing the statements of previous years by using renewed standard
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El Cuerpo Humano
Diego Santos
Ecuaciones de Segundo Grado
Diego Santos
Conceptos Básicos de la Física
Diego Santos
Mapa conceptual de la materia.
La acentuación de diptongos, triptongos e hiatos
Elisa Tormo Guevara
antonio del valle
Herencia Genética básica
Catalina Ramos
Las Ciencias Sociales
Ana Llorach
Mapa ficha libro
Luis Alberto Barthe Lastra
Sistema hombre, maquina, entorno
yolanda medina
Presentación de Estudios Ambientales
Edtith Sarmiento Reyes