The Second Greco - Persian War


A series of flash cards about the Second Greco-Persian Wars, the key battles, the key people, the causes and other issues including knowledge based questions at the end of each study area.
Bryan Jackson
Fichas por Bryan Jackson, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Bryan Jackson
Creado por Bryan Jackson hace más de 9 años

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The 2nd Greco - Persian Wars 480-470BC The Causes You are likely to believe that Xerxes wanted revenge for his father's defeat by the Greeks. However, Herodotus suggests that he was persuaded to attack Greece!! Undoubtedly, however, the assets Greece had and the continued expansion of both Empires would also be causes of the war.
The 2nd Greco - Persian Wars 480-470BC The Causes Part 1 Herodotus claims Mardonios persuaded Xerxes to invade Greece. Mardonios wanted to be King of the Greeks.
The 2nd Greco - Persian Wars 480-470BC The Causes Part 2 He was also persuaded by some Greek families and a Soothsayer!! The Aleuadai from Thessaly to maintain their status and the Peisistratus who had been exiled from Athens and wanted to return (they brought the Soothsayer - just for extra insurance - after all it is always good to know you are going to win!!).
The 2nd Greco - Persian Wars 480-470BC The Causes Part 3 The refusal of both Sparta and Athens to recognise the overlordship of Persia. The refusal to give sand and water when Xerxes was crowned King. Some of the Greek States had done so, but this refusal was taken as an insult by Xerxes and as a symbol of their arrogance.
The 2nd Greco - Persian Wars 480-470BC Persian Preparations Herodotus suggests that there were up to 2.5 million Persians, soldiers and those feeding and supplying the army, involved in the invasion of Greece. Modern Historians seriously doubt these figures and suggest no more than 250 000 people were involved and probably the figure is nearer 150 000 - still the largest single invasion of a country by anybody up until that date.
The 2nd Greco - Persian Wars 480-470BC Persian Preparations Remember Xerxes could not invade Greece at first because of a revolt in Egypt. It is then suggested he spent two years planning the actual attack and overcoming the physical problems from a land invasion. He did make the decision to attack Greece from the North by both land and sea. The huge army would be supplied by the fleet on its march into Greece. The size of the attack and the preparations for this suggest this was a war of conquest not just an attempt to punish the Athenians and Spartans.
The 2nd Greco - Persian Wars 480-470BC Persian Preparations The first great engineering project Xerxes conducted was the building of the pontoon bridge across the Hellespont. The first one was destroyed by a storm for which the sea was whipped on the orders of Xerxes - well according to Herodotus anyway. The bridge also had special walls built so the horses could't view the sea.
The 2nd Greco - Persian Wars 480-470BC Persian Preparations The next problem was avoiding the stormy area around Mount Athos. This was a very dangerous area - Xerxes built a canal instead to avoid it. The Phoenicians built the canal with sloping sides so their part never collapsed. It was wide enough for 2 triremes to pass each other side by side.
The 2nd Greco - Persian Wars 480-470BC Persian Preparations The Persian army had to be collected from all across the Empire. It took time to collect the taxes to pay for this and too make sure it was properly supplied with rations and equipment. It consisted of archers, infantry, cavalry and the Immortals.
The 2nd Greco - Persian Wars 480-470BC Greek Preparations
The 2nd Greco - Persian Wars 480-470BC Greek Preparations
The 2nd Greco - Persian Wars 480-470BC Greek Preparations
The 2nd Greco - Persian Wars 480-470BC Greek Preparations
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