Respiratory System Anatomy 2 MCQ


Anatomy 2 Fichas sobre Respiratory System Anatomy 2 MCQ, creado por Alex Papoutsas el 06/09/2019.
Alex Papoutsas
Fichas por Alex Papoutsas, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Alex Papoutsas
Creado por Alex Papoutsas hace más de 5 años

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta Respuesta
Alveolocyte II type participates in the blood air barrier (Y/N) NO
The lungs have two surfaces - diaphragmatic and mediastinal (Y/N) NO
Alveolotype I type produce surfractant (Y/N) NO
Cartilago cricoidea has the form of a ring with plate (Y/N) YES
The respiratory part of the lung is made of bronchi, alveolar ducts, alveolar sacs and alveoli (Y/N) NO
The left main bronchus is shorter and wider than the right one (Y/N) NO
The right main bronchus is shorter and wider than the left one (Y/N) YES
The left lung possesses three lobes - superior, inferior and middle (Y/N) NO
The laryngeal cavity has only two parts - vestibule and infraglottic cavity (Y/N) NO
The epithelium of respiratory bronchioles is unilayered cuboid ciliated (Y/N) NO
Cricoid cartilage of larynx is ring shaped and has its plate anteriorly (Y/N) NO
The septal cells are macrophages (Y/N) YES
Part of upper respiratory tract? Pharynx
Largest cartilage in the larynx thyroid cartilage
True vocal cords and the opening between them glottis
Prevents the movement of swallowed materials into the larynx epiglottis
Has no cartilage in it terminal bronchiole
What does surfractant do reduces surface tension of the fluid lining the alveoli
Paired cartilages in the larynx cartilago arytenoidea
Cells of Clara are typical for terminal bronchi
Septal cells are macrophages
Muscles in m. vocalis m. thyroarytenoideus
In meatus nasi inferior opens ductus nasolacrimalis
The parts of the laryngeal cavity are (3) 1. vestibule 2. ventricle 3. infraglottic cavity
The wall of the alveoli contains these cells (3) 1. alveolar type I 2. alveolar type II 3. alveolar macrophage
Which sinuses open in meatus nasi medius (3) 1. frontal 2. maxillary 3. anterior ethmoidal cells
The elements of blood-air barrier are (4) 1. alveolocyte I 2. basal lamina of alveolocyte I 3. basal lamina of endothelial cells 4. endothelial cells of capillaries
Which are the lobes of the left lung (2) 1. superior 2. inferior
Which are the lobes of the right lung (3) 1. superior 2. inferior 3. middle
The respiratory part of nasal cavity includes (4) 1. pseudostratified columnar ciliated epithelium 2. lamina propria of nasal mucose 3. cavernous sinusoids 4. mucous serous glands
Count the right lung's fissures (2) 1. oblique 2. transverse
Count the main cells of epithelium of the trachea (4) 1. ciliated 2. goblet 3. brush 4. endocrine
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